When I was a teenager in a small town in GA, my cousin was a year older than me. He was a decent guy, but was a pretty loud mouth, cocky guy. I think that got him on the wrong side of the local sherrif that just didn't like him, so he made extra effort to make my cousin's life hard.
Finally, he gave my cousin a ticket for speeding when he wasn't speeding. My cousin took it to court and actually made the sheriff look like a liar idiot in front of the judge. My cousin got off.
You'd think the harassment would have stopped, but there isn't logic with some small-town sheriffs. There's a certain ego and feeling of empowerment.
After that, he harassed the hell out of my cousin. It wasn't even subtle. Lasted for years.
That's what's going on with UT. NCAA felt like we didn't suffer enough for Pruitt. They tried to make us pay and we made them look like lying idiots to the 'judge' and through the media. So now they want us to unofficially pay for Pruitt as well as NIL lawsuit.
On these penalty issues, UT needs to pull together the statistical argument as well as video footage of what's not being called. Send them to the Tennessee AG, cc-ing the NCAA and several of the biggest media outlets. That's such a huge story (a major NCAA state university pressing unfair treatment to their state AG), the media would have to cover it. Not to mention, the state AG has already shown a willingness to go after the NCAA.
If the TN AG pressed it legally, that gives us discovery. No telling what shows up if communications have to be provided and people have to go under oath. I'd say the NCAA wouldn't want that.
The only thing you can do with the NCAA, when they think they are the highest power in the land, is show them the higher power.