Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Kids? Car? Vacation? Water heater goes out, new roof, crawl space leak? Man, it goes in a hurry. You think they're lowering property taxes anytime soon!? I'm a skeleton waiting on that to happen. I'd say family of three grocery bill is $600-800 month now. You'd be pinching pennies on 30k a year IMO.
House paid off? If you STILL have kids, that's bad family planning imo. I'll be 60 and first thing on the docket (according to my wife) is a new(er) truck...with her car long past paid off. Still two incomes, but I could easily not abuse pennies with $1600 extra bucks a month...doubling or tripling the number of vacations on just my dime with that take home money. Just forked out $3000+ for A/C work AND met all my financial obligations. And I get to attend the Oklahoma game next month without selling blood.
MJ in that debate but Lebron is 39 and had a triple double with a trip to the gold medal game on the line lol
Only thing is Micheal and the rest of the 1992 team wouldn't have had to come back from 11 down to start 4th Quarter.

Micheal, Magic, Bird and Barkley would've been sitting on bench laughing cause USA had a 25 point lead going into the 4th quarter.
Only thing is Micheal and the rest of the 1992 team wouldn't have had to come back from 11 down to start 4th Quarter.

Micheal, Magic, Bird and Barkley would've been sitting on bench laughing cause USA had a 25 point lead going into the 4th quarter.
I agree, but the rest of the world is a LOT better at basketball than they were back then. I'm not in the Lebron is better than MJ camp, but it's just really tough to see comparisons about the two eras when it comes the Olympics.
Only thing is Micheal and the rest of the 1992 team wouldn't have had to come back from 11 down to start 4th Quarter.

Micheal, Magic, Bird and Barkley would've been sitting on bench laughing cause USA had a 25 point lead going into the 4th quarter.

No doubt just not sure how that game Lebron just played could be a negative for him in any debate.

Lebron, Embiid, and Steph were the only Americans that showed up.
MJ in that debate but Lebron is 39 and had a triple double with a trip to the gold medal game on the line lol
He's been racking up triple doubles.

Absolutely insane for a 39 yo. MJ the goat, but nearing 40 he was averaging 20 a game with the Wizards. Lebron's longevitity and willingness to keep playing the olympics earns him some real kudos personally. MJ was 1 and done helping the US. To each their own, both are basketball gods!

And Joker, my goodness. Man might have 5 or 6 MVPs when it's all said and done.
That is why I prefaced my initial post with the advice for him to seek out a fiduciary advisor that would be able to better advise him based on his specific situation. That’s good but not everyone has access to that. From the sounds of it they might not in the small town. Maybe give a referral?Agree whole heartedly that financial advice is very personal and situation dependent. One size fits all approaches should be avoided. But you did reference rules of thumb. As far as the order, I can understand that. Some people differ in the order they recommend certain things. I tend to approach things from a biblical perspective and advise people to eliminate debt prior to doing much other financial investing as a general rule of thumb. Again, personal situations differ and may dictate other ways of going about it.
Well he only asked about life insurance so there’s that. And you did recommend a lot of other insurance before an emergency fund and debt reduction. For umbrella liability, is there even anything to insure? Do you know what’s subject to liability and what’s not? How come you touched on life, home and auto, and umbrella, but not disability or health (both of which are far more likely to be claimed - and not necessarily provided through work). How come you didn’t reference power of attorney in the biblical mindset preparation line of thought?

Sorry to harp, or appear argumentative, but it’s kind of my wheelhouse so I feel obligated to chime in. Your hearts in the right place and the advice you give may not actually be wrong. I’m glad you’re using your financial planning knowledge. I’m just saying maybe reaching out or provide a referral to a qualified individual you trust could be more impactful. Otherwise you risk your advice being taken at face value while incomplete, or not being relevant and then what’s the point of typing all this out?

If you’d like, I developed a financial planning basics checklist for disseminating to the public population I don’t have the time to otherwise try to access, and I’d be happy to share with you. Its about a safe a rules of thumb style material I could come up with, one page front and back, covers near everything that an “average” individual may want to give thought to if they are doing introductory financial planning for themselves and don’t have access to a trustworthy fiduciary.
He's been racking up triple doubles.

Absolutely insane for a 39 yo. MJ the goat, but nearing 40 he was averaging 20 a game with the Wizards. Lebron's longevitity and willingness to keep playing the olympics earns him some real kudos personally. MJ was 1 and done helping the US. To each their own, both are basketball gods!

And Joker, my goodness. Man might have 5 or 6 MVPs when it's all said and done.
Agree on the bolded.
House paid off? If you STILL have kids, that's bad family planning imo. I'll be 60 and first thing on the docket (according to my wife) is a new(er) truck...with her car long past paid off. Still two incomes, but I could easily not abuse pennies with $1600 extra bucks a month...doubling or tripling the number of vacations on just my dime with that take home money. Just forked out $3000+ for A/C work AND met all my financial obligations. And I get to attend the Oklahoma game next month without selling blood.
Different conversation. The discussion was about having enough life insurance, so the conversation was the result of an unfortunate death. Just having enough life insurance to pay off the house is not enough. There are many other expenses that my wife will incur with my 4 kids after an untimely death.

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