Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Bodies in the sand. . .
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Happy Friday

Hope everyone dealing with storms is OK.

August 9, 2024: It seems like you have been through a rough patch, and actually things have been more complicated and difficult, but you are coming through by the direction and power of My Spirit. Do not underestimate My involvement in your life and circumstances. I am with you always. Hebrews 13:5 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said: I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hit the nail once again..thanks
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People need to understand it was the first preseason game and Milton was going against fringe 2nd string mostly 3rd stringers or practice squad players
Milton probably earns #3 QB spot on Patriots but in Mayo's press conference the plan is for Maye to be on the field with the #1's for at least a half next preseason game.
But he also looked super poised.
He always looked poised…like he was meditating. Decisions didn’t always go right tho. NFL scouting reports typically take a shot at how “simplified” Heupel’s is and how it “doesn’t translate to the NFL.”, but the two most recent pupils showed how it keeps everything in front of you and makes your basic fundamentals muscle memory. That fairy tale narrative goes more and more out of print the more time reality receives.
People never cease to amaze me. I've already seen this comment: "If Milton was able to go to the NFL and get fixed this quickly why wasn't CJH able to fix him?" Hinting it's a bad omen and maybe CJH isn't a good coach.

I hope it's a minority of idiocy.
The Idiot Margin in a nutshell.
Thanks for this..I've been struggling...I've actually been pretty good at staying the course and keeping my eyes on him and my trust in him through some truly really hard times over most of the last 26 years, but I've just struggled for the last few years...I think because I lost my mother just as the world around me went to insane hell...she always always always had the perfect thing to say to keep my mind right.

"Everything is gonna be alright, there is a brighter day"...the last thing she said to me.

My struggle is not being afraid of all "this" is to push down my worst impulse, which is to fight...the wrong way and with the wrong spirit. I have the same struggle Peter and the Sons of Thunder constrain that wrong fleshy impulse.

With God's grace I will be alright though..everything is gonna be alright..there is a brighter day.

If we had DMs I would have sent this just to you, but we don't and so this is the only way I know to tell you how much that touched me...thanks.
I had to watch a very close friend walk his wife and kids through her cancer diagnosis, radical and invasive treatments leaving no treatment stone unturned, and then ultimate acceptance that she was going to finish her race far sooner than expected. The grace, love, beauty, and peace that they maintained throughout the massive life altering storm that was and still is to them was life altering to me and many others. I don't down play the issues that people are dealing with or try to play the comparison game to who's problems are bigger. Each person's struggles are theirs and may seem bigger or smaller in my eyes than they do in the eyes of the person walking through them. The thing is that God never stopped doing beautiful things all around them the whole time they were dealing with this extraordinarily difficult situation and they were the first ones to point that out to others. I have tried very hard, after watching them in that storm, to not minimize the storm. The storm will be the storm and in life, those things will come. They way to better get through those storms is to see the beauty happening all around us all the time, even in the midst of life's most raging and awful storms.

I am very sorry for the loss of your mother. She sounds like she was an amazing person that had a tremendous impact on you. I pray that we all have someone that has such a positive impact on us that points us to the source of all good things, Jesus Christ.
It tells me you consider D4H a “news source”. 😏 I wasn’t a fan of CW in college but he’s as much of an upgrade over Justin Fields as there can be. Training camp is where you test your boundaries. He’s attempting throws that have no consequence. Even in last season’s abysmal ending, he didn’t pile up the interceptions…it’s not him.
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