We rescued this cat, well somebody dropped it off by a field behind my house while I was mowing but did not realize he was dumping a kitten off. But we have had him about 4 years now. I have been noticing my bedroom door being shut when I come in from outside and I thought maybe I was shutting the door but when I go to give my animals their treats him and my other cat was always missing. I go to look for them and they are locked in my room. So last night I was in bed and heard a door shut and I got up and he had shut the door and got on a chest and laid down. I opened the door and got back in bed and started watching him and he will take his paw and pull the door away from the wall and take his head and push the door shut. He has been doing this for the last 3-4 days and I just heard my door shut again lol. I think he does it to get a break from my yorkie. Just went and opened the door and him and the other cat is laid up in my bed. I know this is not sports related but its funny and I thought I was losing my mind.