Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Appreciate that, man.

Having a kid soon, I have to stop. I’m going to stop weed as well. I don’t want my kid around that nor do I want to tip toe around and hide doing it.
I quit smoking when my then 6 y/o daughter stated “Daddy does drugs.” I said no I don’t. She said, “yes you do. You smoke cigarettes and that’s a drug.” Put em down that day.
Low pay? I'm pretty sure they get paid more than I do
Your paycheck?
Peanut GIFs | Tenor
Started smoking in high school. Switched to dip because it was easier to hide/mask. Alternated between smoking/dipping for the next 12 years depending on the season or how I was living, or who I was living with. Mixed in some vaping and snus toward the end.

The hardest part was drinking without smoking. It probably helped that they slowly but surely took away smoking sections and places where you could smoke.

It took a couple years of tapering down. Finally my wife basically forced me to quit. Tough first week or so and then one day I just didn't think about it anymore.
I didn’t mean to make it sound easy, it’s not.

Kudos to anyone that can stop smoking. Like seriously, that’s awesome.

I smoked between 2 to 3 packs of Winstons and probably averaged a half ounce of weed a day from junior high until the year after I graduated high school. I managed to stop smoking weed in about a weeks time mainly because I was kind of bored with it. And dramatically increased my consumption of acid shortly afterward since I had found a consistent source and I wasn't bored with it :) I never swore off weed and take edibles now and occassionally smoke it.
My strategy with cigs was to switch to Camel unfiltered based on the idea that since I didn't like their taste that much I could start out smoking less per day and then reduce my smoking by one cig a day. I think it took me 3 or 4 weeks of this to stop smoking. For a little while afterward, I would have a cigarette or two if a friend had one available and I was drinking but haven't smoked any for probably 30 years now.
I smoked between 2 to 3 packs of Winstons and probably averaged a half ounce of weed a day from junior high until the year after I graduated high school. I managed to stop smoking weed in about a weeks time mainly because I was kind of bored with it. And dramatically increased my consumption of acid shortly afterward since I had found a consistent source and I wasn't bored with it :) I never swore off weed and take edibles now and occassionally smoke it.
My strategy with cigs was to switch to Camel unfiltered based on the idea that since I didn't like their taste that much I could start out smoking less per day and then reduce my smoking by one cig a day. I think it took me 3 or 4 weeks of this to stop smoking. For a little while afterward, I would have a cigarette or two if a friend had one available and I was drinking but haven't smoked any for probably 30 years now.
nice outcome, but also, half an ounce of weed per day is commendable
I smoked between 2 to 3 packs of Winstons and probably averaged a half ounce of weed a day from junior high until the year after I graduated high school. I managed to stop smoking weed in about a weeks time mainly because I was kind of bored with it. And dramatically increased my consumption of acid shortly afterward since I had found a consistent source and I wasn't bored with it :) I never swore off weed and take edibles now and occassionally smoke it.
My strategy with cigs was to switch to Camel unfiltered based on the idea that since I didn't like their taste that much I could start out smoking less per day and then reduce my smoking by one cig a day. I think it took me 3 or 4 weeks of this to stop smoking. For a little while afterward, I would have a cigarette or two if a friend had one available and I was drinking but haven't smoked any for probably 30 years now.
Sorry, there is no way you were averaging smoking a half ounce a day. Not in junior high going to school. You literally wouldn’t have had time. A half ounce a day you would have to smoke a blunt, or two joints per hour every waking hour of the day. How did you do this at school?

If you would have said you averaged the equivalent of a 1/2 ounce doing wax that maybe would have been believable. Dabs are quick, but smoking wise, you wouldn’t have had time day to day. A heavy smoker can make a half ounce last 4-7 days. And you had time to smoke 2-3 packs of Winston’s on top of that? I’m calling BS.
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combine that with this and you really have to wonder what the hell happened

Cause they’re not bored anymore. That said, they are sedentary, averaging 12 hours screen time daily, hopped up on monsters and Cheetos while they play their online games.

Don’t hate me for my gross generalization. No idea of true or not.
Cause they’re not bored anymore. That said, they are sedentary, averaging 12 hours screen time daily, hopped up on monsters and Cheetos while they play their online games.

Don’t hate me for my gross generalization. No idea of true or not.
I dont know

A lot of them are vaping. They may have missed that part.
I felt this way about alcohol. Watching my uncle slowly die due to cirrhosis of the liver. Worst thing ever.
My uncle was quickly killed in a single car accident in 1986 due to drugs and alcohol. Coroner said he didn’t have a broken bone or bruise. Basically his heart exploded from all the substances he had in his body (at least that is the way I understood it).

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