Recruiting Football Talk VIII

How long did it take you to stop vaping after quitting cigs
If you are a vaper wanting a plan to stop then stop using bars and start using your own liquids and titrate down. People have no clue the extreme levels of nicotine they are getting from devices like elf bars. Those nic salts are dosing more nicotine than a pack of smokes ever did or could. If you do your own liquids you can work down to 0 nicotine and the transition is a lot easier.
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How is Pittman’s seat looking this year? lol
Seems they had high expectations last year.
Sorry, there is no way you were averaging smoking a half ounce a day. Not in junior high going to school. You literally wouldn’t have had time. A half ounce a day you would have to smoke a blunt, or two joints per hour every waking hour of the day. How did you do this at school?

If you would have said you averaged the equivalent of a 1/2 ounce doing wax that maybe would have been believable. Dabs are quick, but smoking wise, you wouldn’t have had time day to day. A heavy smoker can make a half ounce last 4-7 days. And you had time to smoke 2-3 packs of Winston’s on top of that? I’m calling BS.

My parents both were gone to work before I left for school so I smoked for about a half hour, smoked on the way to pick up a friend, we smoked for a few minutes before we left his house, smoked the rest of the way to school, smoked in the parking lot for 15 or 20 minutes. Then I gave another friend a ride to work during lunch (he took shop and worked the rest of the day) which gave me another half hour or so to get stoned. Then me and about 6 of my friends would cram into my car and go to this storage room behind my closet, which looked straight out of the 60s, and get stoned for about 2 hours before my parents got home. Later that night, I would go to a friends house where our rock group practiced, get stoned for a 2 or 3 hours and attempt to practice during that time. Then I would get stoned on my roof after my parents went to bed.
I went to the first showing of "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" in my hometown during my senior year of high school. When Spicoli stumbles out of his van in the high school parking lot covered in a vast smog like half the audience yelled out my name because that's exactly what my car looked like every morning in my high school parking lot.
I will clarify that the half ounce a day was limited to my sophomore year until the year after I graduated. Probably averaged a quarter ounce or less before then but I was smoking 2-3 packs of cigs starting in junior high.
Can't blame a kid for bad parenting.... Haha jk, congratulations. I'll always be suspicious how her heart is set on UGA though. My 2 year old already knows to say ewwwww when I say Florida Georgia or Alabama.
I take full responsibility. We moved to Georgia a few years back. Then, when it was time to start campus visits, we signed up for a tour of GA because it was close - no other reason than my convenience. That tour is what won her over.

“Boo Gators” was among her first words. Guess I didn’t hate GA enough - or early enough in her life. They always felt so irrelevant. Oh well.
If you are a vaper wanting a plan to stop then stop using bars and start using your own liquids and titrate down. People have no clue the extreme levels of nicotine they are getting from devices like elf bars. Those nic salts are dosing more nicotine than a pack of smokes ever did or could. If you do your own liquids you can work down to 0 nicotine and the transition is a lot easier.
Yeah I’ve thought about that also

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