Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I’ve never smoked cigarettes, weed, or vaped in my entire life..My granny made sure of that at a young age..I was offered weed back in high school but basically told them where to shove it..😙

I felt this way about alcohol. Watching my uncle slowly die due to cirrhosis of the liver. Worst thing ever.
So I took up vaping because someone had this flavor that was really good at the time, so I stopped cigs the next day to vape.

Turns out I wasn’t actually the biggest fan of vaping because the flavoring actually would taste worse every time I would get one.

6-7 months later of vaping, I got tired of the flavoring and how it would make me feel. It was like a more intense nauseated feeling so I went to the store and got a pack of cigs. Put one in my mouth and puked.

This led me into very very sparingly hit the vape because I couldn’t smoke a cig nor fully tolerate the vape anymore, but I needed nicotine. So instead of smoking every second I’d wait till after breakfast and lunch. Hit it like 2-3 times, put it down till 8-9 at night before bed. This helped me slowly quit.

Finally I just put it down and didn’t hit it. The first week of no nicotine I was angry. The second week, I was still angry but by the middle of the 3rd week I was fine.

big time kudos, that is an extremely hard thing to do, brother. hat is off
Right around 2000 I quit after 30 years under threat from my teenage daughters. It took too long, but the gum was my way out. Eliminating smoking in the workplace helped.

To this day I lived up to my pledge to NOT be an obnoxious anti cig guy that I had endured. To this day, walking through 2nd hand smoke wafting thru the air makes my hair stand in end on my neck.

big ups to you GV!
So I took up vaping because someone had this flavor that was really good at the time, so I stopped cigs the next day to vape.

Turns out I wasn’t actually the biggest fan of vaping because the flavoring actually would taste worse every time I would get one.

6-7 months later of vaping, I got tired of the flavoring and how it would make me feel. It was like a more intense nauseated feeling so I went to the store and got a pack of cigs. Put one in my mouth and puked.

This led me into very very sparingly hit the vape because I couldn’t smoke a cig nor fully tolerate the vape anymore, but I needed nicotine. So instead of smoking every second I’d wait till after breakfast and lunch. Hit it like 2-3 times, put it down till 8-9 at night before bed. This helped me slowly quit.

Finally I just put it down and didn’t hit it. The first week of no nicotine I was angry. The second week, I was still angry but by the middle of the 3rd week I was fine.
I traded cigarettes to vape. Liked the flavors. Started slowly decreasing the nicotine content until 0. Then just stopped.
Got bored and checked out the NCState 247 site, found a thread on our game. Most, if not all, are expecting to lose this game and just want it to be competitive. They are worried about us having more fans there(we will), they are concerned about their o-line being abused by our d-line(they will), and they don’t think their corners have enough speed to keep up with our Wrs(they don’t). I’m going to be monitoring Ricky Gibson close during that game. If he locks down Concepcion I’ll feel real good about him being a high level corner this season.
Got bored and checked out the NCState 247 site, found a thread on our game. Most, if not all, are expecting to lose this game and just want it to be competitive. They are worried about us having more fans there(we will), they are concerned about their o-line being abused by our d-line(they will), and they don’t think their corners have enough speed to keep up with our Wrs(they don’t). I’m going to be monitoring Ricky Gibson close during that game. If he locks down Concepcion I’ll feel real good about him being a high level corner this season.
A lot of folks think this is a game that will be closer than most think, especially with it being the first part of the season. They have a solid team, so I am hoping after they flex the first half, they won't be able to keep up with us when we settle down in the second half and take a 3 score lead... Will be happy with a 10-14 pt win.
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A lot of folks think this is a game that will be closer than most think, especially with it being the first part of the season. They have a solid team, so I am hoping after they flex the first half, they won't be able to keep up with us when we settle down in the second half and take a 3 score lead... Will be happy with a 10-14 pt win.
I don't think the two teams are all that even, but I think it will be close because it's early in the season. Nicos first real reg season game action as the guy. He might have a few issues early.
A lot of folks think this is a game that will be closer than most think, especially with it being the first part of the season. They have a solid team, so I am hoping after they flex the first half, they won't be able to keep up with us when we settle down in the second half and take a 3 score lead... Will be happy with a 10-14 pt win.
I personally believe once our pace make an already thin front 6, according to them, tired then we will start to gash them in the run game. Also believe Pearce puts on a clinic in his home town, because why not? Can see McCall running for his life similar to the A&M/Gamecocks game last season. The QBs literally ran from James all game in both those games I mentioned, it was glorious watching it.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to take a South Carolina state exam to hopefully become an independent adjuster. Me and my family could really use this opportunity. Prayers would be much appreciated 🙏
Best wishes! I'm sure you know your stuff. You'll be calm and confident. Do what you know how to do. You'll do great! One question -- one step -- at a time. Like this:
NC State game imo comes down to if our young guys are composed and play confident. Size, speed, talent is all present now in areas we lacked it before (especially the secondary) so if they come out playing confident and loose a few big plays can turn what should be a close game into a blowout.

If Dylan Sampson and Seldon are both 100% I really think we'll see NC State's defense gas out.
Right around 2000 I quit after 30 years under threat from my teenage daughters. It took too long, but the gum was my way out. Eliminating smoking in the workplace helped.

To this day I lived up to my pledge to NOT be an obnoxious anti cig guy that I had endured. To this day, walking through 2nd hand smoke wafting thru the air makes my hair stand in end on my neck.
Chantix freed me from the beast.
interestingly, they are coming back in fashion for the 20 somethings I see in NYC because you don't have a basically unlimited supply. You sit around all day vaping it's like chain smoking packs of cigs nicotine wise
Are they coming back in fashion? I agree usage is up in big cities but I don't think it's becoming fashionable again.
When you get to the point where you randomly wake up in the middle of the night to hit it, it’s time to stop.

Sooner or later your body will start to think it’s food and you’ll start skipping breakfast and lunch because you don’t feel hungry. You’ll lose weight, etc.

That was like my wake up call.
Yeah I think that’s what helped me lose weight cause I only eat once a day I went from 230 to now 190
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