Recruiting Football Talk VIII

Are there shuttles, either municipal or private, operating from remote parking areas on game days?

As much as I like my independence, and don't mind the exercise of a long walk, I've discovered that shuttles provide their own unique experience, with opportunities to have conversations with people I would otherwise never meet.
You can park your car at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum and ride the shuttle to the game. .
Hey all, it's been a hot minute but I wanted to share some things with you. First don't get too excited/happy by what I'm about to say because it's gonna be followed up with terrible news but still I wanted to let you know that we got our miracle/hospice care a little bit ago and maybe I'm a fool but I believe that your prayers for us helped that happen and I'm more grateful than you can imagine for that. But last night may have changed everything for the worse...

OH had been doing great until a few days ago when things started going sideways. We assumed his liver failure was progressing or that it was another UTI and that it was the cause of the confusion (he's had enough episodes to where it's not uncommon for a confusion spell to just happen) but now I'm pretty positive that wasn't it at all.

So I'll jump right into it because my mind is shot and I'm more lost now than I've ever been.... Last night OH's breathing turned ragged -- like more ragged than I've ever heard anyone breathe. It started to sound like he was crackling with fluid. He started hitching so loud you could hear him down the hall and then he started foaming at the mouth. I called his hospice and then an ambulance.

They took him to the hospital and he's currently on a ventilator. It turns out he has pnuemonia, low oxygen, low platelets (somewhat normal given his liver), low potasium and god knows what else. But he's at least stable. They have him sedated because of the vent, We all had covid about 2 weeks ago and that might've led to the pnuemonia. I don't know what to expect at this point or if he'll even make it through this.

Please pray for him and keep us in your thoughts. Hold your loved ones close - this happened so fast (things went from a relatively uneventful evening knowing he wasn't feeling well and worrying that he was starting a slow decline to immediately being life and death). Hours earlier he'd been trying to run me out of the house to go get something for myself. The one ray of hope I have is how hard he fought to stay conscious while the ambulance was on its way.
The USS Indianapolis sank on July 30, 1945, after being struck by two Japanese torpedoes at 15 minutes after midnight. The heavy cruiser was on its way from Guam to the Philippines when it was hit, and sank in 12 to 15 minutes. The first torpedo blew off the ship's bow, and the second torpedo hit the midsection near the powder magazine, splitting the ship in two.

The USS Indianapolis was the flagship of Admiral Spruance of the 5th Fleet, and had served with honor from Pearl Harbor through the final campaign of World War II. It had earned ten battle stars, and was commanded by Captain Charles B. McVay III on its final voyage. The ship's mission was to deliver the uranium-235 core and other parts for the atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima to the Army Air Forces on Tinian in the Mariana Islands. After completing its mission, the ship was on its way to Guam to rejoin the American Pacific Fleet for the final push to Japan.

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A must watch:
Hey all, it's been a hot minute but I wanted to share some things with you. First don't get too excited/happy by what I'm about to say because it's gonna be followed up with terrible news but still I wanted to let you know that we got our miracle/hospice care a little bit ago and maybe I'm a fool but I believe that your prayers for us helped that happen and I'm more grateful than you can imagine for that. But last night may have changed everything for the worse...

OH had been doing great until a few days ago when things started going sideways. We assumed his liver failure was progressing or that it was another UTI and that it was the cause of the confusion (he's had enough episodes to where it's not uncommon for a confusion spell to just happen) but now I'm pretty positive that wasn't it at all.

So I'll jump right into it because my mind is shot and I'm more lost now than I've ever been.... Last night OH's breathing turned ragged -- like more ragged than I've ever heard anyone breathe. It started to sound like he was crackling with fluid. He started hitching so loud you could hear him down the hall and then he started foaming at the mouth. I called his hospice and then an ambulance.

They took him to the hospital and he's currently on a ventilator. It turns out he has pnuemonia, low oxygen, low platelets (somewhat normal given his liver), low potasium and god knows what else. But he's at least stable. They have him sedated because of the vent, We all had covid about 2 weeks ago and that might've led to the pnuemonia. I don't know what to expect at this point or if he'll even make it through this.

Please pray for him and keep us in your thoughts. Hold your loved ones close - this happened so fast (things went from a relatively uneventful evening knowing he wasn't feeling well and worrying that he was starting a slow decline to immediately being life and death). Hours earlier he'd been trying to run me out of the house to go get something for myself. The one ray of hope I have is how hard he fought to stay conscious while the ambulance was on its way.
Happy Wednesday

July 31, 2024: Stand strong. Refuse to allow circumstances and the lies of the enemy to bring discouragement. Seek eternal truth and pursue it. Continue to walk in the light instead of allowing the darkness of the world to take you down. The truth of My love for you will always prevail, says the Lord. John 4:23-24 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
Hey all, it's been a hot minute but I wanted to share some things with you. First don't get too excited/happy by what I'm about to say because it's gonna be followed up with terrible news but still I wanted to let you know that we got our miracle/hospice care a little bit ago and maybe I'm a fool but I believe that your prayers for us helped that happen and I'm more grateful than you can imagine for that. But last night may have changed everything for the worse...

OH had been doing great until a few days ago when things started going sideways. We assumed his liver failure was progressing or that it was another UTI and that it was the cause of the confusion (he's had enough episodes to where it's not uncommon for a confusion spell to just happen) but now I'm pretty positive that wasn't it at all.

So I'll jump right into it because my mind is shot and I'm more lost now than I've ever been.... Last night OH's breathing turned ragged -- like more ragged than I've ever heard anyone breathe. It started to sound like he was crackling with fluid. He started hitching so loud you could hear him down the hall and then he started foaming at the mouth. I called his hospice and then an ambulance.

They took him to the hospital and he's currently on a ventilator. It turns out he has pnuemonia, low oxygen, low platelets (somewhat normal given his liver), low potasium and god knows what else. But he's at least stable. They have him sedated because of the vent, We all had covid about 2 weeks ago and that might've led to the pnuemonia. I don't know what to expect at this point or if he'll even make it through this.

Please pray for him and keep us in your thoughts. Hold your loved ones close - this happened so fast (things went from a relatively uneventful evening knowing he wasn't feeling well and worrying that he was starting a slow decline to immediately being life and death). Hours earlier he'd been trying to run me out of the house to go get something for myself. The one ray of hope I have is how hard he fought to stay conscious while the ambulance was on its way.
Prayers for healing and recovery.
Supposed to be two or three - depends on if they go 8 or 9 sec games each year. Alabama and Vandy supposed to be the two confirmed. If we go three then allegedly it’s gonna be uscjr instead of Kensucky each year.

At least that’s the last I remember hearing.
I want vandy, uk, n bama
Hey all, it's been a hot minute but I wanted to share some things with you. First don't get too excited/happy by what I'm about to say because it's gonna be followed up with terrible news but still I wanted to let you know that we got our miracle/hospice care a little bit ago and maybe I'm a fool but I believe that your prayers for us helped that happen and I'm more grateful than you can imagine for that. But last night may have changed everything for the worse...

OH had been doing great until a few days ago when things started going sideways. We assumed his liver failure was progressing or that it was another UTI and that it was the cause of the confusion (he's had enough episodes to where it's not uncommon for a confusion spell to just happen) but now I'm pretty positive that wasn't it at all.

So I'll jump right into it because my mind is shot and I'm more lost now than I've ever been.... Last night OH's breathing turned ragged -- like more ragged than I've ever heard anyone breathe. It started to sound like he was crackling with fluid. He started hitching so loud you could hear him down the hall and then he started foaming at the mouth. I called his hospice and then an ambulance.

They took him to the hospital and he's currently on a ventilator. It turns out he has pnuemonia, low oxygen, low platelets (somewhat normal given his liver), low potasium and god knows what else. But he's at least stable. They have him sedated because of the vent, We all had covid about 2 weeks ago and that might've led to the pnuemonia. I don't know what to expect at this point or if he'll even make it through this.

Please pray for him and keep us in your thoughts. Hold your loved ones close - this happened so fast (things went from a relatively uneventful evening knowing he wasn't feeling well and worrying that he was starting a slow decline to immediately being life and death). Hours earlier he'd been trying to run me out of the house to go get something for myself. The one ray of hope I have is how hard he fought to stay conscious while the ambulance was on its way.
Praying. Lean into Jesus.

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