Recruiting Football Talk VIII

I didn't quote "getting softer" as a fallacy. There were specific comments that I called hyperbolic and fallacious.

The rest of your post just agreed that the comments that I *did* single out were hyperbolic and then doubled down on the slippery slope aspect that I mentioned.
You're attempting to use big words just to say I'm right. Is that to confuse others?
Happy Friday. Big weekend. GBO

September 6, 2024: Change is on the horizon. Do not try to force change; just let it come. It will be nothing to worry about or lose sleep over. Instead, stay focused and solid in your relationship with Christ. Maintain spiritual diligence. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what the will of God is--His good, pleasing and perfect will.
I share these with several people everyday. Keep it up man and thank you!
So, you called my post stupid while ignoring it and then basically agreeing with it?

Go watch badminton or hire some bums to beat the crap out of each other for your viewing pleasure. Since you'll share your opinion as fact, I'll follow suit.

It's a pretty ****ty look to be this calloused about other peoples' wellbeing and basically posting that you don't care about the players' long-term health as long as you enjoy watching a game on television. That doesn't show an unhealthy level of empathy at all.

So, I'll eagerly await your ad hominem response, which seems to be the one arrow in your quiver.
Where did I say your post was stupid?
Just to put it out there, I don't watch enough NFL to really give a damn about the new kick-off rule. I'll watch some games, and probably bitch when I see it, but overall, whatever. Society is going to hell, why should football be any different?
If you don't want to do this job that makes 8 figures according to some mythical, subjective, arbitrary standard then go do this job that makes 5 figures is some major "Illusion of Choice" lol.
Just to put it out there, I don't watch enough NFL to really give a damn about the new kick-off rule. I'll watch some games, and probably bitch when I see it, but overall, whatever. Society is going to hell, why should football be any different?
So you haven't even seen much of the new kickoff in action and don't yet know how it will impact the game, but you're already saying it's indicative of football going to hell?
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So you haven't even seen much of the new kickoff in action and don't yet know how it will impact the game, but you're already saying it's indicative of football going to hell?
No, my opinion of football going to hell began many years back and is partly traced back to Jerry Jones.
There is no fallacy in saying the game is getting softer. That is fact. They've eliminated the big hits, gone to great lengths to protect QBs, as "violent" as the game is, it's nowhere near as violent as it once was. There is a clear progression toward more of a flag football approach. Will it ever reach flag football? No idea. But it certainly has progressed in that direction.
Going to great lengths to protect the QB is because the QB is what put @$$e$ in the stadiums. Common knowledge the NFL are going to protect the Golden guys in the league. Everyone wants to watch a great QB in person, who says let's go watch that LT for the Patriots play today? It's "What's Best For Business" to make changes to the game.
It's a pretty ****ty look to be this calloused about other peoples' wellbeing and basically posting that you don't care about the players' long-term health as long as you enjoy watching a game on television. That doesn't show an unhealthy level of empathy at all.

So, I'll eagerly await your ad hominem response, which seems to be the one arrow in your quiver.
It's ******* FOOTBALL! It is a physical game...for craps sake that is why we all watch it, so don't give me that pussified bluetard 🦬💩.

You are not better than me...and you are sure as hell not going to make feel bad for enjoying watching real football.

Don't worry though...won't be long before you can soil yourself with excitement watching powderpuff flag garbage.

Don't disappoint me...I know you got two page epic response chock full of purple prose that says a whole bunch a nuthin...let er rip tater chip.
I want to see our military hold out and demand a higher salary when Congress issues a declaration of war.
I agree. Maybe it'll have them less prone to declare war. Or an even better answer is, "Did military personnel know the salary ranges and potential for combat when they signed up?"

If folks think it's too little per salary, don't enlist unless they raise the salary ranges.

Again... Market forces apply.
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Going to great lengths to protect the QB is because the QB is what put @$$e$ in the stadiums. Common knowledge the NFL are going to protect the Golden guys in the league. Everyone wants to watch a great QB in person, who says let's go watch that LT for the Patriots play today? It's "What's Best For Business" to make changes to the game.
Great QBs existed before the current rules. Johnny Unitas. Fran Tarkenton. Roger Staubach.
So, you called my post stupid while ignoring it and then basically agreeing with it?

Go watch badminton or hire some bums to beat the crap out of each other for your viewing pleasure. Since you'll share your opinion as fact, I'll follow suit.

It's a pretty ****ty look to be this calloused about other peoples' wellbeing and basically posting that you don't care about the players' long-term health as long as you enjoy watching a game on television. That doesn't show an unhealthy level of empathy at all.

So, I'll eagerly await your ad hominem response, which seems to be the one arrow in your quiver.
Ps...I hate hominy..🖕
It's ******* FOOTBALL! It is a physical game...for craps sake that is why we all watch it, so don't give me that pussified bluetard 🦬💩.

You are not better than me...and you are sure as hell not going to make feel bad for enjoying watching real football.

Don't worry though...won't be long before you can soil yourself with excitement watching powderpuff flag garbage.

Don't disappoint me...I know you got two page epic response chock full of purple prose that says a whole bunch a nuthin...let er rip tater chip.
The next Olympics has flag football.

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