Asking for a prayer tonight. The old girl pictured is approximately 20 years old. 15 is considered geriatric. She hasn't been dealing with the cold very well and has stopped eating her alfalfa and grain. We've brought her inside tonight to avoid the 16 degree temps.
She's extremely special to me. And although I know her time will come I refuse to let it be because she is old and cold. People laugh at my wife and I all the time for bringing sick and needy animals into our home. Yes, they poop and pee on the floors. No I don't give a damn. It's an old farmhouse, we aren't entertaining anyone special. Friends and family are either with the program or they can go if they please.
I pray the warmer weather we are expecting will get her back to normal. I'd just like to get her through another winter and into spring and summer to enjoy the warmth again.
This is Bonnie, the special needs former show goat, she had a procedure done that is supposed to make her stand at a better angle for show judges but it hobbled her and she was sent to auction. Likely to be a meat goat. The previous owners of our farm bought her at auction and rescued her. She's lived a good life after her recovery......... Please pray we get her to another warm spring. My two favorite pictures of her:
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