Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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no need to be hateful. opinions are like rear ends,'knowhutimean? cant get frustrated at a contrary opinion. i dont think this team is good, they are ok. they are playing better than they are bc they receive good coaching. its possible record wise, i agree that if they win out they will have had a good season.

not arguing.
Wasn't being hateful...just frustrated. I have seen bad football, hell we have ALL seen more bad UT football than ever thought possible the last decade to know what it is...this is good solid football...period...period...period.
Wasn't being hateful...just frustrated. I have seen bad football, hell we have ALL seen more bad UT football than ever thought possible the last decade to know what it is...this is good solid football...period...period...period.
good foundation for future. think one thing we can all agree. we have real coaches. Butch needs a dunce cap.
You are effing blind...they ran the ball 64 times, and..wait for it...ONE...freakin holding call made. That was absolute garbage, it is literally impossible...hell Blakely had to karate chop the dudes hands off him on that last play..SMH.

If they had called holding like they normally do, UK never even scores in the game. They were blocking well, but they were holding on the edges badly literally every play.
one of the biggest skills and one of the hardest skills to learn as an offensive lineman is how to hold and not get caught.
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Any throw was a horrible call because they can’t execute it
He wasn't terrible. It looked weird just coming out, like he had no depth perception. Either way, have to call what is open and have faith to execute. It wasn't asking much and well within his ability. He's completed much further.
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