Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I can agree with that. The real fault lies with rich dweebs who think it makes them a man to have a guide point out an animal to shoot with their high powered rifle. Whether it's good for the big picture or not it's crap and you can't change my mind.
I generally agree with that. It's been my experience that the majority of people who participate in that system are rich a-holes. Not all, but a lot of them. They do it because they can, and they think it's cool, and treat it as a status symbol. They don't do it because they know or think they are helping.

I may go and hunt a sustainable species like wildebeest or gazelle some day. The only way I'd hunt a giraffe, elephant, rhino, etc would be to tranquilize to allow vets to administer aide to a sick/wounded animal. They have those hunts as well. I'd also make sure to do it through a reputable guide and community. Some people do it the right way, so I refrain from absolutes.
Kentucky fans are the worst in the SEC. my friends trying to explain to me at the lunch table how they are the superior team in basketball and football. I understand Florida and Alabama fans talking crap but Kentucky.
I'm curious on how he even gave an explanation in football? Does KY even know what a football looks like?
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