Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Selling fear is a lucrative business. 1 in 3 people don’t even show symptoms
Even if they were telling non-factual or expert advice, curious how is it lucrative? Media is supported by by businesses of all sorts...none of this is lucrative for businesses and economy.
A guy that I work with just got back from a Mexico cruise last week. I sounded the alarms, did anyone listen, of course not.

Fast forward to today... He get a email stating that someone tested positive that was on the same cruise...

I for one haven’t been super worried about the whole deal until today. Ffs, this crap pisses me off!

Yep, no one cares until it hits home. I have now had 2 instances to worry about, but I think enough time has now passed.

Why anyone would go on a cruise during this time is mind boggling to me.
Yep, no one cares until it hits home. I have now had 2 instances to worry about, but I think enough time has now passed.

Why anyone would go on a cruise during this time is mind boggling to me.
Yep, no one cares until it hits home. I have now had 2 instances to worry about, but I think enough time has now passed.

Why anyone would go on a cruise during this time is mind boggling to me.

Why anyone would go on a cruise at any time is mind boggling to me.
Even if they were telling non-factual or expert advice, curious how is it lucrative? Media is supported by by businesses of all sorts...none of this is lucrative for businesses and economy.
That statement is a little off..Of course the businesses that advertise are getting hammered, but the media that is supported by advertising dollars are making bank.
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it wont' continue at this same rate. a) there have been measures put in place to slow the spread b) the initial rate is due to the influx of tests being made available the past 2-3 days. the inital bursts probably should be expected since that there was probably already a "known" population that was going to get tested as soon as tests became available. as they work thru that initial "known" group, it'll move in to new patient testing, and while the numbers will increase, the rate will go down. the gap will close between the "known" group, pre quarantine and the "new" group, post quarantine.
The daily growth rate was already ~34% well before all the new testing. We are slowing down from that it appears. Should have been 11k yesterday, 14k today, 19k new tomorrow. Looks like we will fade those figures.
That statement is a little off..Of course the businesses that advertise are getting hammered, but the media that is supported by advertising dollars are making bank.
How so? A media company signs contracts for ads with businesses. As those businesses lose money, they will cut back on ad spend. Advertising is the first thing to go when expenses must be cut.

My wife runs her own marketing business and her biggest client just cut ad spending by 60%.

No one wants to advertise bigly when there is no point in it.

Now...there may be more eyes on the TV, facebook/social media, than usual because of what's happening. Ironically, it just means those that advertise will get a discount and a good value (views per dollar) because not many need it right now. Any industry that relies on advertising to get by will be handing out ad space super cheap just to retain any revenue at all.
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Why not more of a wait and see where we are in a few weeks approach?
dunno. i just got the notification the phone. i haven't had a chance to dig.

but it's not something i'm shocked over.

two weeks isn't enough time for anything really when you think about it. a) we're just now getting tests out to the masses, and we're still pretty far behind on that front. b) w/out any effective treatments, what good does it do to stay home for two weeks, when, if you get back to normal in early april, we re-infect the population and wave 2 happens? there's nothing really to prevent that except extending current preventative measures......maybe that also buys time for researches to come up with a treatment/vaccine.

personally speaking, i'd rather give us as good a shot as possible at getting thru this inital outbreak in one shot of a quarantine/isolation measure...vs. short sighting it now, only to have to go thru a more prolonged one, probably with more restrictions due to overreaction from the first go round not being successful, later in the year.....make sense?

Anyway, as we've learned more about it, what other countries have experienced, i came the conclusion that it wouldn't be shocking to see an extenstion of quarantine/isolation measures to 3 months or more.....i could see some restrictions or measures being relaxed as some time went on during that time frame, but it doesn't surprise me at all.
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Might as well close for the rest of the year
they pretty much are, that's like 2 weeks before the end of the school year anyway, so unless some big change for the postive happens, i don't see them getting back in to the school building this semester....jmo.

they are both on line with school, so they get class every day and some structure in the morning. they both have assigned work, projects and homework to complete. so it' snot all bad, they are getting class daily.....just a lot different, and they both are jonesing for some social interaction from classmates, o/t on facetime or snapchat lol.
Why anyone would go on a cruise at any time is mind boggling to me.
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Yep, no one cares until it hits home. I have now had 2 instances to worry about, but I think enough time has now passed.

Why anyone would go on a cruise during this time is mind boggling to me.

Family friends who postponed their scheduled Hawaii vacation because of the Covid-19 panic were murdered in their home Saturday evening. Life is dangerous to your health.
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