Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Well, boys and girls, it’s officially in DeKalb County. Which means I will probably get it since I’m in retail aka the only hope left rn
Yeah I'm at a grocery store working a bunch just had first confirmed case in our small town.
Bob, that you?

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Part of my job is to order food and supplies for our facility (ALF). Because of these damn hoarders, I couldn’t get ground beef for our seniors, this week. Nor can we get Lysol or Clorox wipes. Don’t they realize that they are taking from the very ones that we need to protect? They count on us to take care of this for them. It’s so frustrating.
My wife and I are having quite the movie marathon. Have watched Gladiator, Braveheart, and Shawshank Redemption over the last 3 days. Might watch The Godfather tonight. She’s never seen any of these movies. What other classics should we watch?
A big hand for the little lady-The list of Adrain Messenger-The Longest Day-The Sting
Anyone hearing anything about TVA and DOE shutting down non-essential contracts?
I haven’t heard anything personally but I’m sure it’s floating around.
Let's talk positive, since I'm a sunshine pumper.

There are ongoing, worldwide, mass clinical trials for treatments as well as vaccines. Preliminary results from the treatments should start coming out in a week or two. This means the month of April will be spent ramping up supplies from the pharmaceutical industry, treatments will start to become commonplace, and the worldwide panic will die down.

Here's your sports over/under, since that's what we crave: sporting events will start back up on July 1st.
Yeah. I saw the picture for it and thought the tiger handler perspective would be cool, but that sounds like too much redneck shiz for me. I saw "in Alabama" and was out. I don't think anything good has ever come out of Alabama...except Tee Martin. Thanks, Bammer.

And Condredge
Will peak, weather will get warmer and it will die off, stock market will recover. Problem is more so the fall when/if it comes back heavily and kids are in school. Hoping for a vaccine or therapeutic by then.
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