Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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I disagree. We wouldn’t have been blown out if not for turnovers. I think Bama beats them the more I think about the game and UF keeps it close. There offense doesn’t scare anyone. If our defense wasn’t gassed, they would have held them in the second half.
*Anyone not named Alabama* sorry I thought that was a given. Exactly turnovers don’t happen it’s close. So hang your hat on that and cheer up. They will blow FL out the water.
Who in the world wants to fire coaches? Where was that said at all. Pruitt is going to get us there. He just needs time as well to grow too.
No. The people want instant success and results. You should be able to flip everything in your program around including your development of players. Psh. Some need of these so called fans need a reality check & their heads examined. Pruitt is the right guy for the job, but too many think this is an overnight fix. The programs we’re struggling against didn’t have as far back to come from to become contenders, but I know you’re aware of this. We were literally winless in conference play not that long ago. Literally won only 4 games in a season, recently. But we’re supposed to flip the switch and become national title contenders overnight.
No. The people want instant success and results. You should be able to flip everything in your program around including your development of players. Psh. Some need of these so called fans need a reality check & their heads examined. Pruitt is the right guy for the job, but too many think this is an overnight fix. The programs we’re struggling against didn’t have as far back to come from to become contenders, but I know you’re aware of this. We were literally winless in conference play not that long ago. Literally won only 4 games in a season, recently. But we’re supposed to flip the switch and become national title contenders overnight.

We're competing for championships or we're Vandy. There is no middle ground.

I suggest meds. Copious amounts.
It’s not about losing. I think everyone expected to lose. It’s about getting embarrassed and blown out again to a rival. We will never catch up if we continue to get blown out.
yeah, see, i don't feel embarrassed about that game. i'm not happy about it....but we hung with that team pretty much the whole game.

there were 5 or 6 plays in the 3rd qtr that wound up being the difference, and ultimately led to the 4th qtr collapse.

but physically, especially on defense, not so much on offense, we matched up and handled ourselves pretty well....there was a stretch in that game where you could envision neither team scoring again.....

i'm not embarrased at all honesty, aside from the score being a bit more lopsided than i thought, the game played out pretty much exactly like i thought it would:

UGA defense is legit.

It's a good on good matchup with our o line vs their defective front.

For us to win jg has to find different level and be special.

Our defense against their offense... Who knows...I think they have potential stars with guys like white and Pickens. We have Taylor and Thompson and ht....I think both sides on this matchup win/lose some... Turnovers and big plays will determine the winner.

UGA 31
TN 20

i think there's a path for us to win this game....but i think some pretty specific things likely need to happen....some of which simply involves UGA having a game kinda like they did last year against USCe....and we have a game like we had this past week....hit big plays that are available, run the ball, and limit scoring to FG's.....and win the turnover battle.....that's a must....and play CLEAN football....little to no mistakes....

my eyeballs tell me that we're actually closer on defense, talent wise.

offensively, we know what hte line brings to the table talent wise. we all know chandler and gray are good....these two things are tangible evidence of why we should hvae a chance of winning pretty much any game we play.....

we think our WR's are good.....and so far, they've done nothing to discount that assertion.

the big question is the QB....and while i will praise JG for his improvement week 2 from week 1....i can't say i'm confident that he's ready to be THE reason we can win a game like this one coming up.....maybe that's it? we've not seen JG take the field, put the team on his back--against an opponent like this....sure he's done it against some programs we're peers with right now....cause we don't win a couple of the games late last year w/out JG. i've no problem stating that, i belive it to be true.

but winning a game on the road against a top 3 opponent that presents a defense like they do........................?

nah, havent' seen anything that leads me to believe that he's now that guy....but i'm sure rooting for him to be!!!
now all of this, i agree with....

Yes, the second half QB play was bad. But we were severely outplayed Physically in the first half. The reason we were dominated overall is primarily that they have 67/68 four and five star players and we have 38. They are far more talented and it showed across the field. The only surprise was our OL was poor and we have a talent concentration there.
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I disagree. We wouldn’t have been blown out if not for turnovers. I think Bama beats them the more I think about the game and UF keeps it close. There offense doesn’t scare anyone. If our defense wasn’t gassed, they would have held them in the second half.
yeah, it was 23-21 headed to the 4th qtr. up until that point, the game seemed like a defensive stalemate.

then, we helped the wrong team.
A couple of other thoughts which I failed to mention earlier:
  1. Last year, the team appeared to improve as the season wore on (then again, we had nowhere to go but up after the UF loss). Hope the same happens this year.
  2. Covid-related absences seemed to have affected the Vols more than other teams. Don't know what to make of that, but it could've been a factor in readiness.
  3. I think the most disappointing position group in the UGA game was the offensive line. As they were considered to be our best position group, it causes us more anguish that they did little to live up to their rep.
Yes, the second half QB play was bad. But we were severely outplayed Physically in the first half. The reason is primarily that they have 67/68 four and five star players and we have 38. They are far more talented and it showed across the field. The only surprise was our OL was poor and we have a talent concentration there.
that was the only surprise?

i mean, i didn't think we'd get beat that bad up front, but i also didn't think we'd go out and own their defensive front either. that front 7 is probably the best front 7 in america......we should have/could have played better....but i had that as a "push" match up at best...
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Much of this is true. And I agree in the big picture that a QB is what is holding us back. I’ll just point out that:

- Kirby had no choice but to make that change. Even JG at his worst has never looked as bad as Mathis did during that first game. He was absolutely dreadful and looked terrified to be playing football.

- Devo linked a twitter account that deep dives UT tape. Showed where our breakdowns were on a couple 3rd downs in the 2nd half (including strip sack for score). Just exactly as Pruitt said - “there were a few times we had the perfect 3rd down call against UGA’s 3rd down call and we just didn’t execute” - the tape shows. Both times it was a breakdown by RB who whiffed and got smoked on the blitz and the pass rushers got to JG before he could let it fly. Both times the intended target was open for an easy conversion.

Again, I believe a QB is needed to get us to the next level (10 win seasons and actually competing for the East) but many times our struggles are derived from poor execution despite good play calls. And JG is the QB so he always gets the blame. For sure he can’t fumble every time he gets hit or make the poor decision to float that ball for a INT bc those are back breaking and you gotta protect the ball, but to be successful as a team everyone has to do their job. On some of those plays JG was far from the weakest link (in reference to the previous poster).

Totally agree. If I ranked all UT’s offensive players on Saturday’s performance, I think JG falls somewhere in the middle.

Going forward, I know what JG is and accept the limitations. The OL, to me, is the biggest concern. How does all that talent get absolutely dominated?
The frustrating thing is that this time next year we will hear the excuse that our quarterbacks are young and inexperienced. You know what you have with Jarrett Guarantano - a non-mobile QB with very little field presence who makes ill advised decisions. JG is gonna JG; a leopard can't change his spots. Even with poor OL performance, Pruitt needs to insert talented inexperience at QB. Georgia's 5th team QB was better than our starter.

Now, how to improve the play calling? Cause Chaney isn't going anywhere.
UK, Vandy, Ark...i think we all would agree are games that on paper we shouldl probably win....and losing one of those would be a disappointment.

aTm, Auburn, Florida, Bama....i think we're capable enough on defense....wait...let me rephrase....i feel better about our defense than i did two weeks ago, so while i'm well aware Fl and Bama will present a whole host of issues for us with their offenses, i do think defensively we find ways to hang around....espeically if their defensive trends continue and we find a way to run the ball effectively....winning either would be an upset....

aTm and Auburn...i think both are 50/50 games, and if we believe we're moving up in the pecking order, these are two games we need to win. not as big as FL or Bama, but those would be two good wins to hang a hat on.

and maybe steal one of the other 2....

LSS...7-3 would still be a great finish for us...especially if it involves a W over FL or Bama.....8-2 would be phenominal...

it's still possible....til it aint'.
Is it official that we lost Mims? So what, was he waiting to see who won the game between the two schools he was leaning towards? I hope not, we weren't supposed to win, they have more talent... yes, we made it worse because of our O line play, JG giving them 3 turnovers, the team giving them 100 penalties, and Chaney using his middle school playbook, but if he is picking them because they won, then well, bye.... Maybe I am too old school, but if I were in his position at that age, I'd look at the program, coaches, players, and university... there's tons of negative buzz coming out of Athens from a recruiting standpoint, and players are seeing they will replace you at the drop of a hat...
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Is it official that we lost Mims? So what, was he waiting to see who won the game between the two schools he was leaning towards? I hope not, we weren't supposed to win, they have more talent... yes, we made it worse because of our O line play, JG giving them 3 turnovers, the team giving them 100 penalties, and Chaney using his middle school playbook, but if he is picking them because they won, then well, bye.... Maybe I am too old school, but if I were in his position at that age, I'd look at the program, coaches, players, and university... there's tons of negative buzz coming out of Athens from a recruiting standpoint, and players are seeing they will replace you at the drop of a hat...

but it ain't lookin'
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The frustrating thing is that this time next year we will hear the excuse that our quarterbacks are young and inexperienced. You know what you have with Jarrett Guarantano - a non-mobile QB with very little field presence who makes ill advised decisions. JG is gonna JG; a leopard can't change his spots. Even with poor OL performance, Pruitt needs to insert talented inexperience at QB. Georgia's 5th team QB was better than our starter.

Now, how to improve the play calling? Cause Chaney isn't going anywhere.

Unfortunately I can see Chaney in the booth with JG running things..."Oh, this would be a good one to ru...oh wait, no he can't audible. This one! This would be perfect for an overloaded blitz we, he can't do that either, he can't run. This one!, he can't throw over the middle. I guess we will go with one of the six passing plays to the outside we can run and hope the blitz doesn't get to him first."
The frustrating thing is that this time next year we will hear the excuse that our quarterbacks are young and inexperienced. You know what you have with Jarrett Guarantano - a non-mobile QB with very little field presence who makes ill advised decisions. JG is gonna JG; a leopard can't change his spots. Even with poor OL performance, Pruitt needs to insert talented inexperience at QB. Georgia's 5th team QB was better than our starter.

Now, how to improve the play calling? Cause Chaney isn't going anywhere.

This is a bigger concern at this point than most think or are talking about. We have plenty of weapons and options, and had absolutely nothing to lose... yet we threw either bombs or basically ran up the middle. NOT. GOOD.
Chaney did nothing from what I could see to adjust or help JG out the second half.
This is a bigger concern at this point than most think or are talking about. We have plenty of weapons and options, and had absolutely nothing to lose... yet we threw either bombs or basically ran up the middle. NOT. GOOD.
Chaney did nothing from what I could see to adjust or help JG out the second half.

see my previous post
Guess I'll go get a Covid test tomorrow... fever of 100.3 with all-day headache and coughing/congestion 🙄
Hang in there but do get the test. I was really sick last week and the doctor tested me for Strep, which came back negative, then Flu, which came back negative and the remaining test was Covid. I just knew I had Covid after Strep and Flu was eliminated but the Covid test was negative also. It took two days to get the Covid results and I was a mess during that time. Valuable lesson learned---don't worry about sh*t you can't control. I hope you have good results with your test.
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This is a bigger concern at this point than most think or are talking about. We have plenty of weapons and options, and had absolutely nothing to lose... yet we threw either bombs or basically ran up the middle. NOT. GOOD.
Chaney did nothing from what I could see to adjust or help JG out the second half.

JG also reverted back to his double hitch throwing motion which is the reason he missed Johnson when he got pressured on that 3rd down. If JG throws that ball to Johnson before Johnson breaks down, then the pressure doesn’t even effect him. Instead JG double clutches then throws after Johnson breaks down and has a defender in his face by that time.

You can watch it in the breakdown by Power T Tape
Is it official that we lost Mims? So what, was he waiting to see who won the game between the two schools he was leaning towards? I hope not, we weren't supposed to win, they have more talent... yes, we made it worse because of our O line play, JG giving them 3 turnovers, the team giving them 100 penalties, and Chaney using his middle school playbook, but if he is picking them because they won, then well, bye.... Maybe I am too old school, but if I were in his position at that age, I'd look at the program, coaches, players, and university... there's tons of negative buzz coming out of Athens from a recruiting standpoint, and players are seeing they will replace you at the drop of a hat...

Read an article where “sources close to him” said he had already made a decision and that was last week sometime. Also he’s prob got everyone around him telling him to go to UGA seeing as he’s from Georgia. Would love to get him, but not getting hopes up.

Also I’m starting to believe this “negative recruiting buzz coming out of Athens” only exists on Volnation.

They have a 92.30 average recruit ranking, currently good for 5th. And they’re still in it for a lot of big names. Would LOVE for all of it to be true but I also wouldn’t be surprised if they land another elite class. And if they do, then I think we can prob stop talking about any negative recruiting news regarding Kirby and it was just something we were hyping up in hopes it would actually affect them.
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