Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Well having 4 NFL RBs, and Sam Pittman coaching your OL with 4/5 stars carrying around towels helps. He still didn't sling it around like he did under the offensive HC, his offense was boring. But the developed talent executed it well.

If anything that just proves the point that even boring offensive play-calling can work if you got the talent/development around it (which we don't).
We might be surprised at just how much physical talent we have on this roster. Let Chip Long call plays and see if Hyatt, Wideman and/or Beckwith get some targets. Hell...let Osovet at it! Would be the most talent he’s ever had on the field.
You keep trying until you find someone. I can excuse Pruitt for rolling with JG after Butch's last season but not years 2 and 3. There's just no excuse to not have a high school recruit or a transfer who is better than him. He's almost the worst QB in all of college football this year.

That’s my point. They did keep trying.

What grad transfer QB out there have we not pursued that is doing well?
That’s my point. They did keep trying.

What grad transfer QB out there have we not pursued that is doing well?

And my point is that JG is so bad that almost any grad transfer QB would have been better than him. We didn't need the high-profile ones to improve at that position. He's Sal Sunseri as DC level bad at his job. Coaches should have understood that. Tons of guys would have come here for a chance to be the starting QB at UT.
We might be surprised at just how much physical talent we have on this roster. Let Chip Long call plays and see if Hyatt, Wideman and/or Beckwith get some targets. Hell...let Osovet at it! Would be the most talent he’s ever had on the field.

Yeah, I feel like Chaney probably was the wrong hire honestly. If he's really willing to just let his HC dictate what he calls then what's the point of hiring him (especially for as much as we pay him)? He's obviously not helped with player development, and never been known to be a great recruiter.

Almost feel like an OC that's going to run his system and tell his HC "you're paying me to run my offense, so leave me the hell alone to do it" is what we need under a Pruitt regime. Instead of just letting him control everything.
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Yeah, I feel like Chaney probably was the wrong hire honestly. If he's really willing to just let his HC dictate what he calls then what's the point of hiring him (especially for as much as we pay him)? He's obviously not helped with player development, and never been known to be a great recruiter.

Almost feel like an OC that's going to run his system and tell his HC "you're paying me to run my offense, so leave me the hell alone to do it" is what we need under a Pruitt regime. Instead of just letting him control everything.
Briles, Yurchich, or Lebby would've filled that role. Pruitt wanted someone he could be Geppeto to. Chaney fit the bill.
Just in case you’re keeping score at home:

1) our head coach has told people it’s no big deal if he’s fired because he can walk back to our biggest rival.

2) he’s 15-16 through three years, on pace to be 16-19

3) 90% of his staff refused to take a symbolic pay cut to help mitigate losses to the university and future layoffs

4) there was a pressure inside the program for players to put their own health and self interests to the side regarding a pandemic that’s killed 250,000 people in our country to date.

It’s time to make a change. Period. There is no argument otherwise.

Funny how all these high school players were willing to play and they get nothing for it but the fun playing football provides and we got pussies on scholarship wanting to opt out. Most are Butch pussies and we need to purge them as quick as possible.
Sounds like they are trying to make Tee the scape goat because Chaney and Friend aren’t going anywhere. So blame it on Tee and make him move on next year.
That’s bull! If so, Fulmer should be ashamed. Tee is the best coach on the staff most likely. Hard for WRs to be productive when they don’t have a QB to get them the ball, when we only can throw it 10-12 times a game, and when we NEVER use the middle of the field!!
Funny how all these high school players were willing to play and they get nothing for it but the fun playing football provides and we got pussies on scholarship wanting to opt out. Most are Butch pussies and we need to purge them as quick as possible.
Yeah, I fall in the exact OPPOSITE category.

If players didn’t want to play, to protect their safety, they should have been given the grace to make that decision for themselves.

#1: they’re right to be afraid of this thing - both for their own sakes and so they don’t take the virus home

#2: goading them to play through their doubts, as you’ve described and Pruitt has apparently done, only sows doubt and division.
Yeah, I fall in the exact OPPOSITE category.

If players didn’t want to play, to protect their safety, they should have been given the grace to make that decision for themselves.

#1: they’re right to be afraid of this thing - both for their own sakes and so they don’t take the virus home

#2: goading them to play through their doubts, as you’ve described and Pruitt has apparently done, only sows doubt and division.
Unfortunately, what y'all are arguing is one of the main reasons the admin may see this season as a wash.
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This, this, this. Even down to the insiders coming in here to do crowd control. They all do not want to make a move for some reason. Do they enjoy being terrible and also manipulating us at the same time because if they give us some hope, we will continue to spend money on the football team.
It’s worked several times before but now we are at the point where we have seen the cycle and the various strategies too many times. Before you could get those of us who had doubts back in line with a “well he can still turn it around...bad situation he inherited so give home one more year” type of excuse and we would go along with it because ultimately we want a coach to succeed here. I know I felt like we were stuck with Butch when it was clear he needed to go and I more or less shrugged my shoulders and didn’t raise a fuss but I can’t do that anymore. Not after seeing all of this play out before with both Dooley and Butch. We waited too long then but we can’t afford to repeat that. We have a chance to break the cycle this time. If Freeze is ready to pack up and leave, you fire Pruitt and hire Freeze and give this program a legitimate chance to crawl out of the gutter we have been living in for more than a decade.
It’s worked several times before but now we are at the point where we have seen the cycle and the various strategies too many times. Before you could get those of us who had doubts back in line with a “well he can still turn it around...bad situation he inherited so give home one more year” type of excuse and we would go along with it because ultimately we want a coach to succeed here. I know I felt like we were stuck with Butch when it was clear he needed to go and I more or less shrugged my shoulders and didn’t raise a fuss but I can’t do that anymore. Not after seeing all of this play out before with both Dooley and Butch. We waited too long then but we can’t afford to repeat that. We have a chance to break the cycle this time. If Freeze is ready to pack up and leave, you fire Pruitt and hire Freeze and give this program a legitimate chance to crawl out of the gutter we have been living in for more than a decade.
Agree with everything. If we wait till next year, we will be back here in 3-4 years saying the same thing.
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Unfortunately, what y'all are arguing is one of the main reasons the admin may see this season as a wash.
It should be viewed as a grounds for dismissal since he is going against players wishes and causing the players to be divided. It means he has no control of the program and the team is starting to divide.
Unfortunately, what y'all are arguing is one of the main reasons the admin may see this season as a wash.
1) every program is dealing with it.

2) player safety should trump winning football, even if your personal or political leanings are to take this virus less seriously. If a player wants to protect himself, you take him at his word and tell him he has a spot ready when he wants to come back. Not call him a pussy and say he’s letting the team down.
Funny how all these high school players were willing to play and they get nothing for it but the fun playing football provides and we got pussies on scholarship wanting to opt out. Most are Butch pussies and we need to purge them as quick as possible.

The argument should be that people have a choice in their potential exposures to the virus, not that the virus is not serious. That’s that right wing clay Travis bs. Shouldn’t call people pussies either for deciding the risk to them and their families was not worth it to them just to provide your entitled ass some entertainment and something to complain about.
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