Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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Oh man I forgot about Billie Jean the movie! A few others you don't have listed I love.

Dead Poets Society
Lean on Me
Dark Crystal
Escape from New York
War Games
Full Metal Jacket
Stand and Deliver
The Burbs
The Princess Bride
Do the Right Thing
The Color of Money
The Last Dragon
Rain Man
Born on the Fourth of July
Raging Bull
Most Arnold flicks (Terminators, Predators, Commando)
Iron Eagle
Enemy Mine (an early Sci-Fi favorite of mine)
Beverly Hills Cop

list can keep going honestly lol such a fantastic era for film. I think the 90s probably is better for music (imo at least) and I might give the 2000s or 2010s the nod for television.
As you wish.

There’s obviously been plenty of off the field news with the story of eight of the assistant coaches not taking a pay cut and Phillip Fulmer getting his extension. The Fulmer extension isn’t a huge deal to most, but no one we talk to knows why they just didn’t release it back in May when Fulmer signed it. Fulmer has said he’s taking a pay cut and the change in his retention bonus was pretty small. Why they didn’t release it in May but did release Pruitt’s in September seems odd.

The story of the assistants not taking a pay cut has gotten the attention of media members nationally and it’s drawn plenty of reaction within the University from hourly wage employees, coaches in other sports as well as donors to the athletic department as well. It has not sat well with some that is for sure.
We all know exactly what this is… It is going to be Pruitt’s excuse of why he’s basically firing his entire staff and starting over.
Enter the Dragon
Mississippi Burning
LA Confidential
Apollo 13
Sherlock Holmes (both/ Robert Downey Jr.)

*Just saw that Fulmer tested positive.

There's at least 25 people that I'm related to, friends with, or have attended church with that have covid, with symptoms. It's gotten real serious, real quick to me. I'm just praying whatever is going on, ends soon.
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Apparently we went from Movies of the '80's to a movie free-for-all.

We gonna talk music of the '80's next?
Coaches, at least the smart ones don't cheat any more. All that's handled by people in the shadows. That way the coach has plausible deniability. The coaches know it's going on but there's always separation to insulate him. It takes along time to get all.that in place. Ours is a ways behind the big boys. The people that fund these things have to be behind the head coach to participate. We've not had coaches here that people had the confidence in, at least for very long to really perfect or behind the scenes support programs. Until we get a coach that inspires these people we will constantly be playing catch-up.
A lot of coaches are still participating at all levels...they have just gotten extremely good at setting up complex structures in order to facilitate what they want to accomplish. And yes typically even another layer is inserted in there as well. They also are using the folks in the shadows as well but it just depends what the specific mission is. I wouldn’t say we are ways behind the big boys as the current coach and staff have done a great job of inspiring some new folks and bringing back some of the old guard. Jones really set us back light years here and that can’t be overlooked but I know very well the extent at which the other programs are operating and we are getting pretty darn close (minus Bama of course). The difference is we need to show more progress and wins...once that happens then the machine really ramps up and when kids look all things being equal they will start to choose us over others due to the fact we are showing that progress etc.
A lot of coaches are still participating at all levels...they have just gotten extremely good at setting up complex structures in order to facilitate what they want to accomplish. And yes typically even another layer is inserted in there as well. They also are using the folks in the shadows as well but it just depends what the specific mission is. I wouldn’t say we are ways behind the big boys as the current coach and staff have done a great job of inspiring some new folks and bringing back some of the old guard. Jones really set us back light years here and that can’t be overlooked but I know very well the extent at which the other programs are operating and we are getting pretty darn close (minus Bama of course). The difference is we need to show more progress and wins...once that happens then the machine really ramps up and when kids look all things being equal they will start to choose us over others due to the fact we are showing that progress etc.
We aren't very good at it if we are cheating as much as most other teams.
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