Recruiting Forum Football Talk II

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So how does Pruitt go without losing? He needs to lose. We need Freeze. It's that simple.
Nothing is that simple. It's UT, cat, you know better than that. If we go 2-8, I don't think he survives, but he still could.

I would not be surprised if he got fired at 4-6, either, though 4-6 is a pipe dream
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One of the best movies about life in the South. Accents are actually accurate and people don't sound like Foghorn Leghorn or Gone with the Wind Civil War generals.
I always hated fake southern accents in movies. Actors usually have some coastal South Carolina-Georgia upper class accent.

Sling Blade is the great with the accents and another good one is Mud.
Nothing is that simple. It's UT, cat, you know better than that. If we go 2-8, I don't think he survives, but he still could.

I would not be surprised if he got fired at 4-6, either, though 4-6 is a pipe dream

Still. Would you not agree that there is a better chance of hiring Freeze if we went 2-8 or 3-7? It's a shi* situation but that's what needs to happen.
I always hated fake southern accents in movies. Actors usually have some coastal South Carolina-Georgia upper class accent.

Sling Blade is the great with the accents and another good one is Mud.

I couldn't watch House of Cards because of it. Spacey's accent is awful. To me it's just a reminder that LA/NYC people have such little regard for the South that they don't even bother listening to actual southern accents to properly imitate them. They just go with the stereotypical "Hollywood" southern accent.
Still. Would you not agree that there is a better chance of hiring Freeze if we went 2-8 or 3-7? It's a shi* situation but that's what needs to happen.
I don’t think any scenario makes it MORE likely to hire Freeze.

Wins and losses determine whether or not Pruitt is fired. Does nothing for solidifying a particular replacement.
Bottom line it's about $$$ why UT hasn't done anything

South Carolina has about $40million in reserves, UT has about $10million

Will's buyout appears to be 13.2million, Pruitt's would be 12.88 (over 19 million with staff buyouts). Will's buyout has 75% mitigation, Pruitt's buyout has 0% mitigation. So even if Pruitt did find a new job we'd still pay him the full buyout. Butch is also still on the books until February, he's cost us 10million in severance (the bulk going to him as other staffers went back to real positions).
It’s not about money. It’s about how much our admin and boosters care to be elite. They don’t. Bama got their man and now they print money like Bezos. You can’t grow a successful business without making the right investments. If UT cared as much as Bama, Clemson, UF and others they would fire Pruitt today, hire Freeze (or someone even better) and in a few years they’d have all the $ they could count. But they continue going the cheap route and keeping coaches too long.

UF fired McElwain halfway thru year 3 after he won the division in back to back years. Why? Because they knew he wasn’t going to win it all and that’s their standard. UT’s standard isn’t in the same ballpark as many of our rivals. It’s pathetic and frankly, I’m tired of pumping up this garbage. They better make a change this fall and go get Freeze or someone better or they’re going to lose some of the most loyal fanbase in America.
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Still. Would you not agree that there is a better chance of hiring Freeze if we went 2-8 or 3-7? It's a shi* situation but that's what needs to happen.

There's a better chance of firing Pruitt, but it may also make Hugh second guess UT...on paper we think this is the better choice. But if we're 2-8 with 5+ 10 point loss games and Auburn/LSU/USCJr. all sitting there with more wins and bigger checks to cash do we beat them out for Hugh?

I will say this the ONLY reason to fire Pruitt now is to go get Hugh, but if he's not an option then I expect we'll wait to see what 2021 looks like. There's a few rising candidates though that may be better hires than Pruitt was (Napier, Beamer, Chadwell) with ties to UT already.
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Lol. Man, you love you some Pruitt. Once he is fired, I hope you eat some crow. He’s not a good head coach. He is a great DC. There is a big difference.
lmao It's not about loving Pruitt, numbnuts. I'm okay with that, even though I know the soonest it happens is next year. It's not about what I, or you, or any other fan, or even your "VFL friend" wants, it's about what the university will do. And what they will do is wait. But even hiring Freeze isn't a guarantee. You, and others, are hyping him up as the second coming of the General. He's far from a sure thing. We're not talking about a national championship coach here. His hype come from beating Bama at Ole Miss. So the **** what? His hype comes from Liberty's record this season. Who the **** have they played? He's not a sure fire guarantee like you and others are saying. If he were to be hired, I'd cheer for him to succeed, but that in no way means he would. Let's stop pretending he is some kind of football savior when we have zero proof that he is.

And unlike some, I never cheer for UT to lose, even if it means a coaching change. If we go 4-0 the rest of the season, damn right I'll be happy, even if it means Pruitt remains coach. Winning is the goal, not getting our way to have the HC fired. I cheer for the team, not the coach.
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People like him cling to the one post that makes AV and other helpful folks look wrong. It validates them in some way. They tend to ignore all of the other ones that were proven to be correct and especially those that do not fit their personal agendas.
All grades of slaw with me. Get what I want out of it without making the narrative life blood to my fandom.
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There's a better chance of firing Pruitt, but it may also make Hugh second guess UT...on paper we think this is the better choice. But if we're 2-8 with 5+ 10 point loss games and Auburn/LSU/USCJr. all sitting there with more wins and bigger checks to cash do we beat them out for Hugh?

I will say this the ONLY reason to fire Pruitt now is to go get Hugh, but if he's not an option then I expect we'll wait to see what 2021 looks like. There's a few rising candidates though that may be better hires than Pruitt was (Napier, Beamer, Chadwell) with ties to UT already.
Perhaps.. I do agree with the second paragraph.
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It’s not about money. It’s about how much our admin cares to be elite. They don’t. Bama got their man and now they print money like Bezos. You can’t grow a successful business without making the right investments. If UT cared as much as Bama, Clemson, UF and others they would fire Pruitt today, hire Freeze (or someone even better) and in a few years they’d have all the $ they could count. But they continue going the cheap route and keeping coaches too long.

UF fired McElwain halfway thru year 3 after he won the division in back to back years. Why? Because they knew he wasn’t going to win it all and that’s their standard. UT’s standard isn’t in the same ballpark as many of rivals. It’s pathetic and frankly, I’m tired of pumping up this garbage. They better make a change this fall and go get Freeze or someone better or they’re going to lose some of the most loyal fanbase in America.

Michigan, A&M, Auburn, Nebraska, Mississippi State, UCLA, Ok State, and plenty others have paid big bucks with nothing to show for the efforts though so it is still about money & profit. And we've all convinced ourselves that Hugh would turn it around to the same level as a Bama Clemson or UF? I mean I feel like if it was a given UT would have hired him already. Could have canned Pruitt last season at 1-4, could have hired Hugh instead of Pruitt....there's obviously something that's prevented UT from going after him. I mean we didn't even go after him for the OC opening.
It’s not about money. It’s about how much our admin cares to be elite. They don’t. Bama got their man and now they print money like Bezos. You can’t grow a successful business without making the right investments. If UT cared as much as Bama, Clemson, UF and others they would fire Pruitt today, hire Freeze (or someone even better) and in a few years they’d have all the $ they could count. But they continue going the cheap route and keeping coaches too long.

UF fired McElwain halfway thru year 3 after he won the division in back to back years. Why? Because they knew he wasn’t going to win it all and that’s their standard. UT’s standard isn’t in the same ballpark as many of rivals. It’s pathetic and frankly, I’m tired of pumping up this garbage. They better make a change this fall and go get Freeze or someone better or they’re going to lose some of the most loyal fanbase in America.
Ron Swanson Johnson is right. Everything you say here is spot on. Our Rivals want to win and they hire the best coaches they can get in order to win. Florida knew if they didn't hire Mullen, someone else would. That's who they wanted, they went and got him even though Mac had been in Atl two straight years. I really wish our program cared that much. it is amazing to see that, if AV is right, it appears that SC's admin cares more about winning than ours does.
What we “were” was always overhyped versus reality. What was our “big hire” back then when $1 mil a year was a huge contract...Fulmer? We strung together some 10 win seasons but there was always someone better in our one season. No one’s promised anything and no one’s doomed. You hire the right people and leave them the eff alone. Fans are going to groan and demand on momentary the social media elite that we are.
Ron Swanson Johnson is right. Everything you say here is spot on. Our Rivals want to win and they hire the best coaches they can get in order to win. Florida knew if they didn't hire Mullen, someone else would. That's who they wanted, they went and got him even though Mac had been in Atl two straight years. I really wish our program cared that much. it is amazing to see that, if AV is right, it appears that SC's admin cares more about winning than ours does.
Mullen wasn't their first choice....
Michigan, A&M, Auburn, Nebraska, Mississippi State, UCLA, Ok State, and plenty others have paid big bucks with nothing to show for the efforts though so it is still about money & profit. And we've all convinced ourselves that Hugh would turn it around to the same level as a Bama Clemson or UF? I mean I feel like if it was a given UT would have hired him already. Could have canned Pruitt last season at 1-4, could have hired Hugh instead of Pruitt....there's obviously something that's prevented UT from going after him. I mean we didn't even go after him for the OC opening.
I don't know anyone who expects us to be Bama. UF? Absolutely. UF is where we want to be. 10-11 wins/year with hope every year to win it all. There is no reason that UT, with our tradition and resources, shouldn't be able to accomplish that. I believe that Hugh could accomplish that at TN. He is proven.

And yes, other admins have paid big money and it didn't work out. But it showed their fanbase that they were willing to do what it takes to win. And look at Michigan. How much money did they make when Harbaugh was hired? That fanbase was fired up.
I mean I feel like if it was a given UT would have hired him already. Could have canned Pruitt last season at 1-4, could have hired Hugh instead of Pruitt....there's obviously something that's prevented UT from going after him. I mean we didn't even go after him for the OC opening.

I think there’s a lot of truth in this. But if it’s true that SC can hire Freeze, then so can we (and we better).
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