Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Off topic question for y’all.
Any y’all jeepers or off roaders been to Wind Rock over near Oak Ridge? Looking to do a off road trip with my buddies and our jeeps and found this place.
We use to ride 4 wheelers in Windrock years ago, before they started charging. A buddy of ours lived in Oliver Springs so he knew the trails pretty well. We went a few times after they started charging but I've not been in 5 yrs. The last time we went, we rode up to the windmills, I enjoyed it. The trails were well marked, fairly smooth, and I saw several Jeeps and rail buggies that day. It's very popular with the side by side crowd too. I reckon they still keep the trails marked and in good shape. It's probably the most popular woods riding spot around the Knoxville area.
Nice ride. Don’t blame you about not tearing it up. Windrock will eat whatever you bring on most black and double black trails. You should be fine on most blue and green trails. Just an FYI, if you come down and ride, every person in the vehicle must have a permit. They have a general store at the trailhead and no increase in price for out of state people. Oh and no alcohol, they will and do check coolers.
Thank you! And thanks for the info, sadly, that last sentence will deter my entire group!! Lol
Unless we each buy about 20 of those coke can slip on covers!!
We use to ride 4 wheelers in Windrock years ago, before they started charging. A buddy of ours lived in Oliver Springs so he knew the trails pretty well. We went a few times after they started charging but I've not been in 5 yrs. The last time we went, we rode up to the windmills, I enjoyed it. The trails were well marked, fairly smooth, and I saw several Jeeps and rail buggies that day. It's very popular with the side by side crowd too. I reckon they still keep the trails marked and in good shape. It's probably the most popular woods riding spot around the Knoxville area.
They keep the popular trails groomed at times! With all the rain we’ve had, some of the trails are pretty rough. Only a handful of Jeep’s and rails now unless they have a rally. It’s mostly SXSs. Yes a lot has changed in 5 years! Good stuff tho. As you probably know a lot of locals hit blue since it’s cheaper and you can drink.
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