Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Sounds like, if we are comptetive Saturday.
1. Phil can fire Pruitt and move on..
2. Phil can firmly hitch his wagon to Pruitt and if Pruitt tanks next year, they both are gone.

If we sh!t the bed Saturday, the decision gets taken out of Phil's hands, Pruitt is sent packing but what happens to Phil in this scenario?

Then again, this is Tennessee, so who the hell knows?.......
From Bob_Vols on 247...
If Pruitt comes back I just dont see 95k people throwing their money away on this program anymore. It will cost UT more money to keep him than it will be letting cornbread go. People are tired of spending money on a juco type team and getting beat by 20 points every Saturday.
Biggest question IMO, who do the powers-that-be consider legitimate candidates for the job? They need to target someone and have them firmly committed to Tennessee before firing Pruitt, IMO. Otherwise we end up a national embarrassment like last time. I have zero faith in a "coaching search"
Biggest question IMO, who do the powers-that-be consider legitimate candidates for the job? They need to target someone and have them firmly committed to Tennessee before firing Pruitt, IMO. Otherwise we end up a national embarrassment like last time. I have zero faith in a "coaching search"
I'm hoping and praying this has already been done... 🙏

I know, I'm probably being a tad overly optimistic...
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The sad thing is, if Pruitt can actually learn from his mistakes, and adjust his attitude, he could be a good HC someday. Just not here. Hiring a first time HC and expecting him to learn on the job was a huge blunder on our part, but we were forced into the situation by incompetent administrators that had the whole country laughing at us.
I'm hoping and praying this has already been done... 🙏

I know, I'm probably being a tad overly optimistic...
I have zero faith it has. It's the most UT thing ever not to learn from past mistakes. Part of the incompetence is not everybody being on the same page. I think our decision makers like to split on who they want and the in-fighting leads to us looking stupid. It scares the hell out of me that we're going to totally eff this up....again.
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Laughable that us being beat only soundly and not like a rented mule is enough to bring Pruitt back. That could be the difference of a fluke turnover that Pruitt and his staff had no hand in making happen and yet, because it would make the final score closer, he’s back for 2021 so we can delay the inevitable. This program is dead.
From Bob_Vols on 247...

Personal perspective!...knowing how Fulmer is and how he was treated in the past.Fulmer’s wagon is hitched to Pruitt,Fulmer will give Pruitt the same respect He felt like he should have gotten back in 08’.the problem is..Pruitt is a gump and not a legacy.I think Fulmer has Sympathy for Pruitt and he can relate to this kind of situation that felt similar in the past.

I expect Pruitt back unfortunately and if he’s not then,I have no faith in the board of trustees or whoever would be in charge of another coaching search.wether they know who the fans want or not.I just don’t see the university Calling Freeze no matter what he tells sexton..(Over Fulmers dead body).we all have a past,I think Hugh deserves his second shot at redemption and there’s no better place to do it rather than a sleeping giant at the university of tennessee.
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You enjoy calling others out and trying to holler them down so they just roll their eyes and leave it be, yet you can’t handle your own medicine 🤷‍♂️
Lol, think you could give me a shoulder to cry on? Come on man, this board has no bearing on my life, full disclosure I just enjoy stirring the pot because Tennessee doesn't leave a lot to talk about these days. So many take this board wayyyyyy to seriously even though it doesn't effect them one way or the other. I like all you guys, except one guy his name starts with a P and he rips people off but outside him we're all along for a sh!tty ride with this team. I just choose to have fun with it while others get worked up.

Merry Christmas!
Laughable that us being beat only soundly and not like a rented mule is enough to bring Pruitt back. That could be the difference of a fluke turnover that Pruitt and his staff had no hand in making happen and yet, because it would make the final score closer, he’s back for 2021 so we can delay the inevitable. This program is dead.
Could you imagine if Steve Jobs had made long-term strategic planning decisions hinging on how many iphones were sold between 12 and 4 PM the last day of the year??

It's absurd people make decisions like this.
If we get beat let’s say 34-20 and they try to sell him coming back because we’re “improving” or whatever I’m done. Completely done. This university has zero desire to be competitive and so I have zero desire to waste my money on it.

Exactly. Where do you draw the line? Is a 10 point loss acceptable but a 14 point loss isn’t? What is their definition of being “embarrassed?” What if our guys “play hard” but we still lose by 3 TDs, but oh it’s because A&M is a playoff team so it’s okay, Pruitt has us moving in the right direction!
It’s been said but I want to say it to: how does this one game prove anything that the other 6 BLOWOUT losses didn’t/did prove?? The biggest indictment of the year should be the Ky game. He managed that game like he was playing NCAA 14. The team quit during that game and it was obvious from the moment that second pick 6 went to the house. How do you get blown out at home by Ky?? And then proceed to be blown out 5 more times IN A ROW yet this one game, at the end of the year, with absolutely nothing to play for (on our end), is going to all of a sudden prove Pruitt has turned the corner?? 💩 I didn’t think I could get more apathetic than choosing to drive through pigeon forge traffic rather than watching the Florida game but it looks like I will if he’s brought back.
Amazing how such a monster decision hinges on the outcome of one game and a subjective sense of being competive or blown out. Just amazing.

TAMU has only beaten 1 team all season by more than 14 points, including Vandy and Miss St.
This is why we are where we are. Instead of making the decision based on the entire product, we let it hinge on the outcome of one game. Either you know he is the right man to continue to lead us into the future and know he can get us to the next level, or you know he can’t. Fulmer is a football coach. Deep down he knows the answer. Regardless of outcome, the decision should already be made. We all have seen the product and bone-headed decisions with the roster, coaching hires/fires, staff turnover, in game decisions, etc. The decision should be clear regardless of what happens tomorrow.
If we get beat let’s say 34-20 and they try to sell him coming back because we’re “improving” or whatever I’m done. Completely done. This university has zero desire to be competitive and so I have zero desire to waste my money on it.
I feel like this is what will happen. That is the line on the game. But Icould see this game getting ugly. I expect some ups and downs with HB this game. A&M has a top 10 Rushing D only averages 100 ypg. And they have had two weeks to prepare. Game will be on QB's shoulders.
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