Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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IF fulmer fired Pruitt would they even target Freeze? How real is the beef between them? I have a funny feeling if we did make a move we’d end up with Chadwell, he is so low on my wish list he wouldn’t even be an option
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too much message board fodder.

two weeks of wild speculation...on a coaching search we made up.....

i think it's the same as it's been for the past month. a lot is TBD. but the lion's share of the hay is already in the barn, and i have a hard time believing that after how the UK and Ark games went, that it all comes down to the last game of the year against a top 5 team vying for a play off berth...regardless of what has been posted.

you can put JP's body of work at TN on a screen and determine right now that he is a guy that is ripe for firing. there's absolutely nothing about his performance here that says "you gotta keep this guy".

so, no, i don't think the aTm game matters one bit. not at all.

i think they're doing what most do. wait til the season is over, and make a decision. and this year, i think situation and circumstance, as well as the immediate health of the program and the long term health of the program have to be the driving factors in whatever decision....and included in that is, or it better be, "who are we getting". deciding to fire pruitt is easy, as stated above....there's already enough to justify moving on from pruitt. it HAS to be about who are we getting, can we get?

i'm not going to advocate for the competency of our "powers that be", but even i don't think they're all sitting around like "well, let's see what he does this weekend"

let's not let good fodder get in the way of common sense.
There will be way more open jobs to compete with next year for any new coach. Also, all these pieces about Freeze being in love with UT are propaganda from Jimmy Sexton to get people worked up. Nothing more.

It’s not propaganda from Sexton. People are not making up that this is his dream job. The guy literally broke into Neyland just to tell his just married wife that he will coach there one day.
1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.
and don't forget, there's still no ignoring how detrimental our QB play has been to this program's lack of success the past 2 years....blame pruitt on how that was managed, fine, no disagreement....but that won't be lost in those conversations add 4 or 5 or 6 w's to the w/l column with adequate QB play the past two years, and the outlook is different and we likely aren't looking for/finding all the other warts JP has, supposedly.

plus, you have no idea how that affects recruiting, how much stock do the decision makers put in to that, and what's the level of confidence in that he's "learned lessons".....i think everyone agrees with salter and hb now in, the qb play should improve.....especially if they change the QB coach, which would almost HAVE to be included in any plan by pruitt to fix it.
1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.
This x100 ATP you have to hope this is thinking for the higher ups
1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.
nm, read that wrong..
and don't forget, there's still no ignoring how detrimental our QB play has been to this program's lack of success the past 2 years....blame pruitt on how that was managed, fine, no disagreement....but that won't be lost in those conversations add 4 or 5 or 6 w's to the w/l column with adequate QB play the past two years, and the outlook is different and we likely aren't looking for/finding all the other warts JP has, supposedly.

plus, you have no idea how that affects recruiting, how much stock do the decision makers put in to that, and what's the level of confidence in that he's "learned lessons".....i think everyone agrees with salter and hb now in, the qb play should improve.....especially if they change the QB coach, which would almost HAVE to be included in any plan by pruitt to fix it.
We are getting blown out where do you see the wins with adequate QB play? The defense has regressed considerably..
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Bob’s update just pisses me off more as a fan. He has red flags that haven’t changed. We are getting blown out by Kentucky in year 3. Losing to Arkansas. Hires a staff of “recruiters” only to **** the bed and lose out on our top targets. Lost to mother****ing GA State.

How the **** does the TAMU game matter? A bar being set by losing but not being blown out? Again, if this is true, then UT admin are complete losers, just want to siphon money from the best fan base

Uh it matters because he legit could upset TX AM and it’s kind of hard to justify firing a guy when they upset a top ranked team and that would also mean the team has played better after the JG move and he can place everything on covid and JG as the issue and an AM win would show he is passed that. Whether you like it or not. If you beat AM with Bailey as QB then he gets a little mojo back and harder to throw away 12 million plus
Bob’s update just pisses me off more as a fan. He has red flags that haven’t changed. We are getting blown out by Kentucky in year 3. Losing to Arkansas. Hires a staff of “recruiters” only to **** the bed and lose out on our top targets. Lost to mother****ing GA State.

How the **** does the TAMU game matter? A bar being set by losing but not being blown out? Again, if this is true, then UT admin are complete losers, just want to siphon money from the best fan base

Biggest takeaway I got from his post is that anyone that says he’s gone for sure doesn’t know what they’re talking about, and anyone that says he’s back next year for sure doesn’t know what they’re talking about either.
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1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.
Let me ask you this - do you still want Pruitt fired if it meant that once he's canned, the ensuing search would result in our admin and boosters pulling in about 5 different directions, and we end up with a Dooley-type candidate? Because the odds actually favor that. This Freeze, Campbell, etc. talk is fun and I'd be happy with any one of several names that we mention. However, do you actually think our admin would hire any of those guys?

I have zero, zero, faith in UT leadership to either go out and get a solid coach if Pruitt was fired, or conduct a search to identify one.

Quite honestly, if they have no plan with regards of what to do in the event they decide to fire Pruitt, they really should just keep him.
Uh it matters because he legit could upset TX AM and it’s kind of hard to justify firing a guy when they upset a top ranked team and that would also mean the team has played better after the JG move and he can place everything on covid and JG as the issue and an AM win would show he is passed that. Whether you like it or not. If you beat AM with Bailey as QB then he gets a little mojo back and harder to throw away 12 million plus

Always got to leave yourself an out in these situations.
Let me ask you this - do you still want Pruitt fired if it meant that once he's canned, the ensuing search would result in our admin and boosters pulling in about 5 different directions, and we end up with a Dooley-type candidate?

I have zero, zero, faith in UT leadership to either go out and get a solid coach if Pruitt was fired, or conduct a search to identify one.

Quite honestly, if they have no plan with regards of what to do in the event they decide to fire Pruitt, they really should just keep him.
Does it matter at this point? You could be absolutely and history would agree for the most but what we have right now is obviously not the answer so why not take your chances?
1. Anyone who thinks Saturday will be close is kidding themselves. They want to get in the playoff. They are going to put up as many points as they can.
2. One game does not determine his fate. They have looked at the whole season. It has been pretty much decided, but if he were to pull an upset, it may change that decision.

I would shocked if he is back. A lot of people are not happy and a blow out will make it an easy decision.

They can want to smash all they want just like we want led to beat Florida and UGA. It doesn’t mean it will happen. Look at LSU beating Florida. Nobody saw that coming. When you got talent anything can happen. When you don’t have your QB handcuffing you anything can happen. AM is not as elite as their standing. Which is also why if they did smash us he would be in deep water because you should be able to compete with them.
We are getting blown out where do you see the wins with adequate QB play? The defense has regressed considerably..
find me another program where the starting qb for multiple years in a row literally cost you games by scoring more points for the opponent than the team he plays for?

JG has had 100 yard turnovers for TD's ever year he's started. 18 FL, 19 Bama 20 does that?

the qb play here has been absolutely dreadful and has snatched the opportunity for victory out from under our feet on multiple occasions...we start the GA st game off last year with turn over by the QB. the 2nd half of the UGA, UK games...the 18 FL game....the vandy game a couple years ago. Auburn this year.....

none of this excuses JP's performance....but if you don't think that's a consideration on this whole deal? i'd be more than a little surprised.
I still think it will be determined by who've they have determined they can get to replace him. I firmly believe they've been testing the waters. If they can get someone that checks all the boxes, they'll make the move. In the past the AD has been over confident in who they thought they could hire.

The worst scenario for me would be that Fulmer and Pruitt get canned. At that point, who makes the hire? What coach would come here not knowing who their boss was going to be? Do we wait until we hire a new AD before making a coaching hire?
Does it matter at this point? You could be absolutely and history would agree for the most but what we have right now is obviously not the answer so why not take your chances?
I think it does matter, because if Pruitt isn't replaced with an upgrade this time I think you do risk some kind of permanent damage to the brand.

IMO, Pruitt staying and being bad in 2021 would be a better outcome than firing him, going through a joke of a coaching search (again), and ending up hiring Coach McGoogle from Carson-Newman.
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