Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Will not be commenting on the coaching situation etc.

I will say however that I fully expect a few key players will not play tomorrow and I will be curious to see when they announce and then the reason that is given.

Go vols.
I want him gone by Sunday morning. Make it happen.
@LA Vol who’s a more divisive figure in your opinion? Kiffin or Freeze? Not who’s better but who would be the one to rile up the most feathers?
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Will not be commenting on the coaching situation etc.

I will say however that I fully expect a few key players will not play tomorrow and I will be curious to see when they announce and then the reason that is given.

Go vols.

Kids transferring?

Or just like Palmer/Trey getting ready for the senior bowl?

Key guys = upper classmen or key Pruitt recruits.

Throw us a bone please
Will not be commenting on the coaching situation etc.

I will say however that I fully expect a few key players will not play tomorrow and I will be curious to see when they announce and then the reason that is given.

Go vols.
Hey, if you’re talking about the trumpet player, the drum player, the sousaphone player and whatnot, they’ve already announced the band is out.

Just thought maybe you didn’t get the news, what with ATC re-routing you all over the place to avoid the planespotters.
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