Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Skalski is Clemson's defensive MVP. He was rated a 3-star 85 out of GA. #680 national player.

What in the world do they inject Clemson players with? It's almost hard to believe how they never seem to have a bad player despite not recruiting all-world until the last couple years. They basically recruited like us until then and yet they have been on a completely different world (from everyone but Bama) on defense, skill, trenches, not just at QB.
Pretty simple really. Good evaluations. Good development. Good coaching. And individual work ethic by the kid.

No Mike’s Secret Stuff needed.
I was in ROTC at UT that year and was the Color Guard Commander. I presented colors at about half of the games. I missed the Sugar Bowl because I was in Panama with my Reserves unit. I got to see it the next night on AFRTS. Still probably my favorite season ever.
Was in school in Boulder Colorado and my grandfather had a heart attack day of the game. He lived in Chattanooga and they took him to hospital. Talked to him on the phone before they took him back to put in a pace maker in him. I was on the way to the airport to fly back to be there and he said come after the vols win tonight over Miami. True story and a great man. VFL for sure he was.
It's the head coach, man. It won't change until that changes.
Yup I'm sick of these "It'S tHe BoOsTeRS" and it's the fans and it's the admin excuses when basketball is doing great. Baseball is on the up and up. On the way to reviving WBB. But apparently in football it's the boosters and admin not developing players, trotting an archaic offense out onto the field, can't coach how to defend a slant, etc...

We just having fun. Really who knows? NFL GM picks are a crapshoot.
He’s got all the tools. He comes from the same system which has produced Deshaun Watson. And most importantly, he seems to have a very good head on his shoulders. No crazy ego. He’s been NFL ready since the end of his Freshman season.
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The gap is closing.

So, Grantham is gonna remain at FL but they are overhauling some of the defensive staff? Any of those Florida retreads want to work with Pruitt?
Was in school in Boulder Colorado and my grandfather had a heart attack day of the game. He lived in Chattanooga and they took him to hospital. Talked to him on the phone before they took him back to put in a pace maker in him. I was on the way to the airport to fly back to be there and he said come after the vols win tonight over Miami. True story and a great man. VFL for sure he was.
Great story. Thanks for sharing
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