Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Clemson, like UF, seems so good at rub plays. They just had a TE "rub" a defender and Etienne catches a 3 yd pass for 20 yards because the guy couldn't get to the outside.

Do we even attempt things like that?!
Thank you. I sat down on my couch this evening to enjoy a White Russian or 4 with the hope that touchdown Jesus would bless the leprechauns with 17 touchdowns. It didn’t happen of course so I’m scrolling through Facebook and see a barrage of gump posts by ppl I know for a fact didn’t grow up gump fans so I escape to the RF forum of Volnation because I just know this is a safe haven of gump haters. Lo and behold I almost immediately start reading posts from Vols hoping Bama wins the natty. What on the ever loving f***.
What you've been talking about in your last few posts, actually goes with a theory I've been thinking about.

Our focus changed with the East, West split. UT keeps up with Bama, not UF or UGA. Admins, high rollers, and fans lost their focus. We set the standard of defeating UF and UGA in our division, not beating Bama. Yes, I understand that during our rise in the 90s, Bama was in the toilet for the most part; but, they were not going to stay down for long... they righted the ship with Nick Saban. Whenever we fired Fulmer, we should have taken 20 million a year to Gainesville, and told Meyer to be on the next plane. We lost focus. Whenevr Fulmer took over the HC, he told the administration what?..."I'll beat Bama". And he did. It wasn't, ill beat Florida, or ill beat Georgia..."I'll beat Bama". Look what that mentality led to: 150 wins, 4 East Titles, 2 SEC Titles, 1 NC. One of the top 4 programs in the country.

Whenever Saban was hired, they led the series by only 5 games. They had 12 NC, we have 6. They had only a handful more SEC Championships. Their rise has come when? During our fall. We are STILL, the school that has beaten Bama more times than anyone. The last game Bear Bryant ever coached against the Vols, he came into that game 5-0, ranked #2 in the country, and he left with his ass beat. That was his last game against the Big Orange.

Refocus. UF and UGA keep up with us. We keep up with Bama. This loss of focus has led to our ruin over the last 20 yrs.

And the fans have fallen into it, as well; but, I understand why. The split; and also, the rise of the UF rivalry of the 90s and early 2000s. As much as I hate UF and UGA, it doesn't even start to compare to the hatred I have for Bama. For every Vol fan, Bama should be like the Soviet Union, our sworn enemy.

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Thank you. I sat down on my couch this evening to enjoy a White Russian or 4 with the hope that touchdown Jesus would bless the leprechauns with 17 touchdowns. It didn’t happen of course so I’m scrolling through Facebook and see a barrage of gump posts by ppl I know for a fact didn’t grow up gump fans so I escape to the RF forum of Volnation because I just know this is a safe haven of gump haters. Lo and behold I almost immediately start reading posts from Vols hoping Bama wins the natty. What on the ever loving f***.
I don't "want" Bama to win a natty, but I'd rather it be Saban than Dabo. What I want is different teams in the playoff picture, but I'm not getting that. I'd prefer Ohio State beat Clemson in this game, I just don't expect it to happen. If the world revolved around what I want, Tennessee wouldn't suck ass right now and we'd be playing for a NC.

I was in ROTC at UT that year and was the Color Guard Commander. I presented colors at about half of the games. I missed the Sugar Bowl because I was in Panama with my Reserves unit. I got to see it the next night on AFRTS. Still probably my favorite season ever.
I was in ROTC at UT that year and was the Color Guard Commander. I presented colors at about half of the games. I missed the Sugar Bowl because I was in Panama with my Reserves unit. I got to see it the next night on AFRTS. Still probably my favorite season ever.


Being in the field just makes things feel differently don’t they?

That perspective is awesome
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Man, we kicked their ass, Irvin got an early TD catch, but after that, complete domination. Ken Donohue's was in the zone that night. Tim McGee was my favorite player on that team and the secondary. Charles Davis, Chris White, Terry Brown was Terry McDaniel on that team, too ?
Don't forget T-rob, Daryl Dickey, Jeff Powell
Skalski is Clemson's defensive MVP. He was rated a 3-star 85 out of GA. #680 national player.

What in the world do they inject Clemson players with? It's almost hard to believe how they never seem to have a bad player despite not recruiting all-world until the last couple years. They basically recruited like us until then and yet they have been on a completely different world (from everyone but Bama) on defense, skill, trenches, not just at QB.
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