Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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An elite QB makes up ground. The intern would've never made a bowl game without Dobbs. A full offseason and a legit QB can easily win 8 games next year. Our schedule isn't that difficult. He won 8 games in 2019 with freaking guarantano, and that was after dropping two ridiculous games to GSU and BYU. It is really a stupid take to think he can't win 8 games this year with better QB play.
Gotta say I agree with you Bass. Better QB play this year would’ve won us Arkansas, UK, and Auburn for sure. Would’ve had a better chance to win against Georgia (probably a 60 percent chance). So it’s definitely not farfetched to say better QB plays wins us 8-9 next year. If our better two QB’s had gotten the reps and experience earlier in the season, we would’ve had a shot beating Florida this year as well. Pruitt has to get out of his own way though and stop micromanaging. I think we’ve all heard there were reports that the offensive staff wanted a change at QB early on and Pruitt rejected it. He has to do better with managing the team and personnel.
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Well we will never know since they don't really play anybody all year but the tackling and lack of coverage in the DB was terrible. It could be Clemson's D finally got exposed my a good team.
Elite athletes all over the field getting outplayed by better athletes. I watched the same game and simply didn’t argue with what I was seeing. Maybe someone could debate Notre Dame, but I don’t see any team that was truly shortchanged outside of the four playoff teams.
You’re exactly right but will he let his coaches coach and just be the HC? Will he stop making mind blowingly bad personnel decisions? Will he get out of his own way and develop his players? I hope so if he’s back but he’s not shown that ability yet heading into year 4.

We can ignore all the bad and just blow sunshine, like I normally would do as well, or we can call a spade a spade and wait and see.

If Pruitt hires better coaches and gets out of their way he can be successful at UT but I’ve seen nothing from him that makes me optimistic for 2021.
Well, let's wait and see instead of arguing like we know what will happen. We have little to make us optimistic. But we really don't know what will happen no matter how many times we make the same prediction.
An elite QB makes up ground. The intern would've never made a bowl game without Dobbs. A full offseason and a legit QB can easily win 8 games next year. Our schedule isn't that difficult. He won 8 games in 2019 with freaking guarantano, and that was after dropping two ridiculous games to GSU and BYU. It is really a stupid take to think he can't win 8 games this year with better QB play.

I wouldn’t consider it stupid to question it because Pruitt has made it a habit to lose games he should not and outside of the one auburn game.... he has not really came close to winning any game he shouldn’t.

But i do agree with your overall point that legit QB play can elevate virtually everything. The two issues are:

1. Where is a legit QB? Bailey? Perhaps. I like what I’ve seen from him so far. Transfer QBs are more of a possible upgrade vs a probably upgrade in general but we have to take at least one this year or it’s just dumb.

2. Does our OC and scheme give you hopes of finding that legit QB. Particularly regarding the transfer route the upgrades in semi recent all have a couple things in common: 1. They are plus athletes that can extend plays. (R. Wilson, mayfield, kyler Murray, fields,even franks for Arkansas) and they went into a spread system (minshew going to air raid at WSU is probably the outlier). We don’t have that system so we are going to be limited to finding QBs with plus arm talent which is must harder to find than great athlete that can improve.
Are we really going to spend the next few months repeatedly saying there's no way Pruitt can win 7 or 8 next year? I get that the odds are not good, and this year gave little to be encouraged about, but there is a chance. Is it going to do any good to say it will never happen? I understand everyone is afraid he will be kept if he wins 6, but he could win 4 to 8.
By August I'm sure there will be plenty of people who are back at 10+ wins. Just give it a little time.
If you want to be the best - you hire the best, recruit the best, sign the best, S&C the best. That delivers exceptional football like Bama, OSU, Clemson, etc. You are in the conversation for a NC every year.

Just exactly which of those with the Vol program is anywhere within shouting distance of the best?

The facilities being near the best only enhance the final product. Ditto for the academic support system. Ditto for the social life around Knoxville.

So the current and past view of all of that tells me UT does not want to be the best. If they did they would be near or at the top of them.

So our expectations as a fan base are unrealistic. We just pay UT money for donations, ticket sales, purchases, etc. with unrealistic expectations as to the result. We need to adjust and accept that UT wants to be an average SEC football program.

in men's BB UT chose to be one of the best. They now are. It costs less to do that in basketball, but still requires a serious financial commitment and the willingness to do the previously stated things to be the best.

Until they are willing to do that with football, keep your cup on and lower your expectations.
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He’s got all the tools. He comes from the same system which has produced Deshaun Watson. And most importantly, he seems to have a very good head on his shoulders. No crazy ego. He’s been NFL ready since the end of his Freshman season.
same was said about Todd Marinovich
If he wasn't staying they would've fired him already. They're waiting for this investigation to end. It isn't going to uncover anything serious. It won't be as bad as what Mehlen just received at Fl. Fulmer is 100% behind Pruitt. He isn't going anywhere. So we can either cry and complain all offseason or try and find some positives. There are some positives. HB and Salter are positives. Eric Gray, Evans, Cody Brown are positives. That 2020 class that will have a full offseason for the first time, that's positive. We aren't going to go 4-8 this year imo. JG isn't going to be out there throwing more touchdowns to the other team than to his own.

My biggest problem with this is I think our offense is garbage. Need to fire Chaney and weinke at a minimum.

Lame duck coach has a tough time hiring great replacements and it always takes 1-2 to put their system in place at Tennessee.

Were screwed with Chaney and weinke, and we probably don't do much better if we fire them this year. Catch 22

If we would have promoted long or if osovert can be a miracle worker, maybe things will work out
Gotta say I agree with you Bass. Better QB play this year would’ve won us Arkansas, UK, and Auburn for sure. Would’ve had a better chance to win against Georgia (probably a 60 percent chance). So it’s definitely not farfetched to say better QB plays wins us 8-9 next year. If our better two QB’s had gotten the reps and experience earlier in the season, we would’ve had a shot beating Florida this year as well. Pruitt has to get out of his own way though and stop micromanaging. I think we’ve all heard there were reports that the offensive stafff wanted a change at QB early on and Pruitt rejected it. He has to do better with managing the team and personnel.
I'll go this far, if Dobbs were on this team last year, we are no worse than 7-3, and maybe better than that. And that's with all the other issues we have. Maybe we're back in another 2017 season after the elite QB leaves, but it gives time for him to fix those other issues. You'll never convince me that Pru doesn't know defense. So he needs one of these QB's to be a dude to salvage this class and to have any chance. He also needs to let his coaches coach. All of this is true.
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