Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Well, Plowman works for Boyd so I'd venture to guess Boyd will be the ultimate decision maker here.

Plowman is a competent chancellor, and she's doing her job. Final decisionmaking at this level goes up the chain. An NCAA investigation, not to mention a $20MM+ decision that would dramatically impact the engine of the UTAD, is not unilaterally her responsibility. Nor is it her area of expertise.

Most schools with resources hire an outside firm to provide counsel during an investigation. It has become SOP for high-profile programs, especially those with intense media scrutiny, and most go with Mike Glazier. Retaining his firm does not mean looking to fire with cause, though that is sometimes the case. Glazier reviews the evidence gathered in the internal investigation, conducts his own interviews with those central to it and provides strategy and counsel for presenting and defending a case to the NCAA. He provides NCAA expertise that UT doesn't have and acts as a middleman in dealing with the NCAA. He identifies problems and helps a school prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

Anybody who has been putting specific dates on this is someone who's guessing. While UT continues to work through the situation, the AD and HC continue to do their jobs. UT is keeping a lid on things, but it isn't true that only Plowman knows what's going on. UT legal, compliance, the AD, the President and the inner circle know what's happening. Plowman is doing a fine job, but she isn't a one-woman show. As you correctly pointed out, she has decisionmakers above her, they're in the loop and they will come to a consensus-- on their timeline.
Who said he is taking us to the next level? Who said we should keep him? Point is, we are keeping him. He isn't going anywhere. If we get good QB play we aren't going to go 5-7. He has a chance to keep us mediocre. If he hires a new OC and we get elite QB play, then who knows what could happen? Talent elevates.

I've said a million times that we should go hire Freeze or Fickell, or someone. But we aren't doing that. So you guys can keep crying about it all offseason I guess.

No one is crying about it.

We just know Pruitt isn’t HC material.
Been wondering about something. Pruitt was always around elite talent and got the best out them by teaching discipline. Since I was a teacher I imagined what it would be like to have classrooms full of elite students and teach them how to be disciplined students. The progress you could make in a year. Another teacher and I team taught 4th and 5th. We would see which teachers they had before. We knew with a certain combo we could take off with no problems. If they had one bad year we could make large strides by Christmas. Two bad years and almost the whole year would be a struggle. What is we never had a struggle? We would have thought we were amazing. We would not known how to handle someone that wasn't elite. We sure would not have known what to do with someone that was not elite, had bad habits and lacked discipline. We would have demanded they do what others had always done. I don't think Pruitt understood how to work around flaws to get the most out of what you got. You start where they are and build up by letting them achieve success then you move them on to the next level. Think he just insisted they perform at the highest level. Which only builds a sense of failure when it's not achievable.
Nah. Just another one of the programs who was lucky enough to be at their peak and rolling when the social media age and instant news cycle came rolling around. They are living in an infinite positive feedback loop. Tennessee would be there too, if our NC came in 2008 instead of 98. Tennessee is not that much different than Ohio State, but the perception is drastically different bc of the positioning of the programs during this popularity contest boom of the social media age.
Damn! This is such a great take and something I haven’t really emphasized myself when discussing the current state of Vol football. Because our down period occurred simultaneously with the explosion of social media, it has created a negative feedback loop we can’t get out of of. The “meme” of Tennessee football is one of suck and dysfunction.
Plowman is a competent chancellor, and she's doing her job. Final decisionmaking at this level goes up the chain. An NCAA investigation, not to mention a $20MM+ decision that would dramatically impact the engine of the UTAD, is not unilaterally her responsibility. Nor is it her area of expertise.

Most schools with resources hire an outside firm to provide counsel during an investigation. It has become SOP for high-profile programs, especially those with intense media scrutiny, and most go with Mike Glazier. Retaining his firm does not mean looking to fire with cause, though that is sometimes the case. Glazier reviews the evidence gathered in the internal investigation, conducts his own interviews with those central to it and provides strategy and counsel for presenting and defending a case to the NCAA. He provides NCAA expertise that UT doesn't have and acts as a middleman in dealing with the NCAA. He identifies problems and helps a school prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

Anybody who has been putting specific dates on this is someone who's guessing. While UT continues to work through the situation, the AD and HC continue to do their jobs. UT is keeping a lid on things, but it isn't true that only Plowman knows what's going on. UT legal, compliance, the AD, the President and the inner circle know what's happening. Plowman is doing a fine job, but she isn't a one-woman show. As you correctly pointed out, she has decisionmakers above her, they're in the loop and they will come to a consensus-- on their timeline.
Happy New Year, LA. Nice to have you around.
At this point with Pruitt staying, all I'm concerned about is that '22 class. Pruitt needs to do well enough for us to land that class. He can't be a disaster this year.
He will be a disaster and so will the team. Its not like he will magically wake up and have the HC thing figured out. This 22 class will be invaded by Bama,Ga,Clemson and OSU. What good coach is willing to come here for a year?
Plowman is a competent chancellor, and she's doing her job. Final decisionmaking at this level goes up the chain. An NCAA investigation, not to mention a $20MM+ decision that would dramatically impact the engine of the UTAD, is not unilaterally her responsibility. Nor is it her area of expertise.

Most schools with resources hire an outside firm to provide counsel during an investigation. It has become SOP for high-profile programs, especially those with intense media scrutiny, and most go with Mike Glazier. Retaining his firm does not mean looking to fire with cause, though that is sometimes the case. Glazier reviews the evidence gathered in the internal investigation, conducts his own interviews with those central to it and provides strategy and counsel for presenting and defending a case to the NCAA. He provides NCAA expertise that UT doesn't have and acts as a middleman in dealing with the NCAA. He identifies problems and helps a school prevent them from becoming bigger problems.

Anybody who has been putting specific dates on this is someone who's guessing. While UT continues to work through the situation, the AD and HC continue to do their jobs. UT is keeping a lid on things, but it isn't true that only Plowman knows what's going on. UT legal, compliance, the AD, the President and the inner circle know what's happening. Plowman is doing a fine job, but she isn't a one-woman show. As you correctly pointed out, she has decisionmakers above her, they're in the loop and they will come to a consensus-- on their timeline.
Incase I've missed it but do you see Pruitt being back?
Florida State and Miami, obviously, because they are half a percentage point off this year.
Outside of that, the only other schools who are even on the radar are the Tennessee Volunteers and Oregon Ducks.
Tennessee and Oregon are barely at 40 percent each, but in the 2021 calculation their poorly-rated 2017 class will cycle out and their presumably highly-rated 2021 classes will cycle in. Both programs are recruiting quite well at the moment.

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I see 4 most likely wins with Ole Miss, Pitt, and Mizzou being toss ups so maybe 6 at best. This admin and some our fanbase will consider that improvement though which is very very troubling

I see a minimum of 7 wins on that schedule and a good shot at 8. All depends on QB play(which should be fine with Bailey having the spring and fall to learn), improvement on the OL where there is talent that will be upperclassmen and getting the young guys on D up to speed. If we can get a pass rush from a young like Brooks or Morven and some of the DL then we could be a solid team.

I wish we had more talent at WR/TE but Bailey seems to be able to work with who we have. Cody Brown and the RB from NC could take some pressure off him if we get the right OL coach.
Florida State and Miami, obviously, because they are half a percentage point off this year.
Outside of that, the only other schools who are even on the radar are the Tennessee Volunteers and Oregon Ducks.
Tennessee and Oregon are barely at 40 percent each, but in the 2021 calculation their poorly-rated 2017 class will cycle out and their presumably highly-rated 2021 classes will cycle in. Both programs are recruiting quite well at the moment.

We need to get on that list
At this point with Pruitt staying, all I'm concerned about is that '22 class. Pruitt needs to do well enough for us to land that class. He can't be a disaster this year.

If only we didn’t rat on ourselves. How are we going to recruit with our building bugged and incognito NCAA reps in every living room.
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If he wasn't staying they would've fired him already. They're waiting for this investigation to end. It isn't going to uncover anything serious. It won't be as bad as what Mehlen just received at Fl. Fulmer is 100% behind Pruitt. He isn't going anywhere. So we can either cry and complain all offseason or try and find some positives. There are some positives. HB and Salter are positives. Eric Gray, Evans, Cody Brown are positives. That 2020 class that will have a full offseason for the first time, that's positive. We aren't going to go 4-8 this year imo. JG isn't going to be out there throwing more touchdowns to the other team than to his own.

We have a culture problem as evidenced in Ubbens articles. The younger players like Pruitt, and they are talented, but they don’t want to work hard to get better. They aren’t being lead or developed.

I understand you want to live in your hopes but unless Pruitt magically learns to deal with the culture then this is a lost cause and we’re just delaying the inevitable.
Florida State and Miami, obviously, because they are half a percentage point off this year.
Outside of that, the only other schools who are even on the radar are the Tennessee Volunteers and Oregon Ducks.
Tennessee and Oregon are barely at 40 percent each, but in the 2021 calculation their poorly-rated 2017 class will cycle out and their presumably highly-rated 2021 classes will cycle in. Both programs are recruiting quite well at the moment.

We should have either started with an 8-team playoff or not done one altogether. The divide is great between the top 3. Even the #4 team gets smoked.
Neither is Ed Orgeron. What happened last year with an elite QB and a staff of elite coaches? That's what Pruitt needs to do if he is staying.
You’re exactly right but will he let his coaches coach and just be the HC? Will he stop making mind blowingly bad personnel decisions? Will he get out of his own way and develop his players? I hope so if he’s back but he’s not shown that ability yet heading into year 4.

We can ignore all the bad and just blow sunshine, like I normally would do as well, or we can call a spade a spade and wait and see.

If Pruitt hires better coaches and gets out of their way he can be successful at UT but I’ve seen nothing from him that makes me optimistic for 2021.
Clemson beats most teams with that defense last night. tOSU and Fields was that much better.

Well we will never know since they don't really play anybody all year but the tackling and lack of coverage in the DB was terrible. It could be Clemson's D finally got exposed my a good team.
I’m personally really quite pleased with watching Dabo get his azz kicked thus far
It's bad enough when players bad mouth their opponent but when a coach does it it's really bad. OSU was playing with a huge chip on their shoulder last night and they made Dabo look like a fool.
Are we really going to spend the next few months repeatedly saying there's no way Pruitt can win 7 or 8 next year? I get that the odds are not good, and this year gave little to be encouraged about, but there is a chance. Is it going to do any good to say it will never happen? I understand everyone is afraid he will be kept if he wins 6, but he could win 4 to 8.
You’re exactly right but will he let his coaches coach and just be the HC? Will he stop making mind blowingly bad personnel decisions? Will he get out of his own way and develop his players? I hope so if he’s back but he’s not shown that ability yet heading into year 4.

We can ignore all the bad and just blow sunshine, like I normally would do as well, or we can call a spade a spade and wait and see.

If Pruitt hires better coaches and gets out of their way he can be successful at UT but I’ve seen nothing from him that makes me optimistic for 2021.
I agree 100%. You said it better than I have been. I'm hoping this happens. Because we have talent on this roster and 2 young QB's who could be really good. But he has to make these changes. And if he does, the jury isn't out yet. Unfortunately, like everyone else, I'd rather move on. But we aren't going to, so here is the hope.
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