This is what happens when you do things dirty. You create a divide between players and their allegiances especially those real close to the ones you threw under bus. Pruitt bought a lot of good will with them with how he handled social justice items this year.
Who you think they will trust the coach they have relationships with or the power brokers?
My only hope is these were kids that had to transfer because they were involved based on their recruitments. Gray is one that makes me feel like it is more of being forced to leave for a chance to be eligible.
Jahmir/Henry/Gray really hurt. Crouch hurts because of depth since your also losing Henry. If you kept Henry and lost Crouch nothing changes. Jahmir is really bad loss since you lost Morris. Gray is big from playmaking standpoint but it’s not devasting with talent in that room returning and coming in.
My biggest concern is this just the beginning? Get ready for the coaches that were interested to suddenly lose interest and we end up with Steele
All I’m gonna say is I hope UT uses the $12 million it just saved and hires the best private detectives that money can buy to take down as many other big time programs it can. Let everybody burn!
All I’m gonna say is I hope UT uses the $12 million it just saved and hires the best private detectives that money can buy to take down as many other big time programs it can. Let everybody burn!