Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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It wouldn’t be my first choice but it makes a lot of since. He is from NW GA and would be coming back closer to home.

His dad was a coach for years at Murray Co HS in GA. His dad taught drivers Ed at Dalton State College and was my drivers Ed teacher while I was in HS. I have never met Billy Napier but his dad was always a kind man that took good care of his players and students.
Knew Bill when I was coaching in Dalton and BIlly was QB at Murray Co. High character, classy family.
Seriously. UNC made this mistake with Mack Brown. Heck, we did the same thing with Rick Barnes and not sure UT basketball will ever recover.
Mack Brown is 15-10. Rick Barnes was not retired, he was just fired.

Hiring strategies are a little different when your idea of success is being decent every now and then.

HFC at Tennessee is an entirely different job with an entirely different set of expectations than those two. He would essentially be asked to pick up right where he left off at Oklahoma here. This is a guy that was just coaching the XFL.
Hiring Stoops would be more like hiring Bill Self after he was away from the game for 3-4 years. Stoops is elite. Won 80% of his games over a nearly 20 year career.
either way, my point was simply that he is basically plug and play. you don't have to groom or anything....just give him the keys to the building and "c ya in August coach!".
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I love how people say "he's got no connections to the south." That's why you hire assistants who dooooo! That's a horrible argument I say.
Plenty of successful coaches have been relatively new to their school's region or conference and been successful. I think it's a horse crap argument too. Especially if it's the only one.
either way, my point was simply that he is basically plug and play. you don't have to groom or anything....just give him the keys to the building and "c ya in August coach!".

Of course. He's an elite CFB coach and one of the best ever. I couldn't believe people didn't want Jimbo and not wanting Stoops is even more insane. There's a tiny chance he wouldn't work out, sure, but you couldn't blame a single person involved in that hire if it happened.
I love how people say "he's got no connections to the south." That's why you hire assistants who dooooo! That's a horrible argument I say.
That’s the worst thing people can do. It’s been proven multiple times that it doesn’t matter. Ties to an area is one of the main things that eliminates good candidates and elevates bad candidates.
Of course. He's an elite CFB coach and one of the best ever. I couldn't believe people didn't want Jimbo and not wanting Stoops is even more insane. There's a tiny chance he wouldn't work out, sure, but you couldn't blame a single person involved in that hire if it happened.
if we bottom out with Bob stoops at the helm, well...........maybe there's just no helping us. lol.
I'm not sure how we got to big game bob, but I think he would be great. I've heard people say he is a defensive guy, but while at OU they put up a ton of points.

If he still has the fire, he would be an absolute home run. If he is going through the motions in his old age, hard pass.
It wouldn't surprise me if Stoops want to coach again, but I'm not sure it's college. Not having to recruit can be seen as a plus. All depends on what a coach wants. Maybe he enjoys being a mentor and coaching college players. Maybe he has no interest in recruiting and dealing with practice limits and player eligibility, and just wants to focus on football. (like Gruden for example)

If he ever did come back to college, I'd guess it would have to be an ideal situation for him with a lot of flexibility as far as hiring and his responsibilities. Maybe a short term obligation with a head coach in waiting in case he wants to retire again.
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Speculation is fun but DW is not a Tennessee guy and isn’t connected with anybody including local media. There won’t be any leaks of substance. All reports say he will stay quiet and keep this thing on the DL.

We will know when the presser is announced. I would guess at earliest new breaks Sunday night, but wouldn’t be surprised if there was breaking news day of the presser.
Mehlan is and always will be "Meh" to me because of his goofy ass dork personality...

Elliot is not a "Meh" coach, he has a great personality...he is Cutcliffe in 98. If had put a good defensive staff together there, he would have been there a long time.

I have never said Mehlan was a bad football coach, I have said that he would not recruit very well at UT...but I think a guy like Elliot would. He is normal, intelligent, charming and a good offensive coach.

If he was the hire, what I have said about any offensive guy we have talked about holds true...His success would totally depend on putting together a good defensive staff.
Why can people not understand it was about Mullen's ability to recruit to Tennessee in order to get a good enough roster fast enough to win that was the problem. Not whether he could do it at FL or another school that doesn't have the same challenges as Tennessee. Hopefully the talent in Tennessee is going to continue to get better so it's not as big of a disadvantage. And besides he is goofy.
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