Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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He’ll win one there if he stays. And he’ll do it by out coaching a more talented team.

He won’t compete for NC there I agree.
Yeah, I just don't agree. I think he's a good coach, but I don't think he can keep up with some of the other teams that regularly bring in more talent.

But if he's happy there, so be it.
Hafley looks like he’s come up pretty quickly and been successful, Smith would be a harder sell based on this pst year at or st. Anyone else know anything about these guys?
Smith has a resume that's cartoonishly bad. I can't imagine he would ever be considered. Sounds like a joke.
Jonathan Smith (Oregon State) and Jeff Hafley (Boston College) are 2 late adds to list of those being vetted. Others as well, but can confirm these 2.
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