Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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OK fair point. But any NFL QB can throw a 40 yard pass to a guy that wide open is my point.
“Can”. The phrases “missed that one” and “didn’t see him” aren’t orphans or (considering this guy’s history) outliers. That doesn’t HAPPEN to regular QBs.
Maybe. He’ll leave when he’s ready. As for now he’s told the NFL no, and said he wasn’t interested in the Longhorns after Herman was fired. Maybe he’s holding out for one college job or maybe he’s just happy where he’s at for now. Doesn’t mean it can’t change in another year or two.
And like I said, if he's happy there, that's fine, but he's not going to take ISU much higher than he already has. He won't compete for NCs there.
If i'm TN i go ahead and do a one year bowl ban and a 5 scholarship reduction for 3 years. Hope that satisfies the NCAA. We seldom run 85 anyway without giving walkons scholarships. Also, with the defections and and the hard 25 limit, it might be hard to reach 85 anyway. The bowl ban next season, would most likely either be a lower tier bowl or no bowl at all.
“Can”. The phrases “missed that one” and “didn’t see him” aren’t orphans or (considering this guy’s history) outliers. That doesn’t HAPPEN to regular QBs.
Yes it does. You're attributing way too much to the QB instead of atrocious defense.
With the previous guys recruits. Look where they were this year with his full roster. Smoke and mirrors and boats
Was curious so checked. Minnesota averaged around the 60th ranked class in the 3 seasons before fleck. He's averaged about 40th in his last 3 classes. Pretty solid improvement in recruiting.
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No he won’t. He’ll win a Big 12 championship there and be a hero
Maybe he gets lucky and wins a Big 12 championship, but I actually doubt it. And he's already a hero there. And if that's enough for him, more power to him. I just think he could be more if he wanted to. And again, I'm not saying he has to come here to do that. This isn't about him leaving ISU to come to UT. This is just me saying to truly live up to his potential, he needs to leave ISU. He needs to go somewhere he can achieve more. It's not happening at ISU.
I agree with this. I can't stand that stupid Jimmy and Joe quote. Butch and Dooley proved beyond all doubt that talent doesn't win games.

It can win you games for sure (see UGA). But eventually the lack of coaching skill shows and you don’t live up to potential (see UGA).

Meanwhile guys like Campbell and Fleck and Pat Fitzgerald win games when they’re not supposed to if you base it off of recruiting rankings. Bc they are actual good football coaches and they’ve all proven to be builders that get maximum buy in from their players. Not just glorified bag men.
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