Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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It is the AD’s job to get people to say yes. Otherwise you would pay them like a University department head ($300k) a year and not $1m+.

I basically agree with you. I don't think we actually tried all that hard to hire anyone else. I accept DW at his word that he only offered one man. Any discussions he might have had with anyone else didn't seem that interesting on the other end. Nobody thought he was serious and in the grand scheme of things he wasn't but then neither were we, we being UT. jmo.

So what are you/we supposed to do now? Expect the worst, hope for the best? Something in between? I'm getting older and one of these days my time will have run out and I won't be here anymore. I have no illusions about where we're headed as a program. I don't really expect us ever to be relevant again in the remainder of the time I may have left. I can see someone much younger being more optimistic about the longer term future.

The thing about it is I'm still going to be a fan of Tennessee football. I didn't realize it when I fell in love with this team and this game as a kid that there were no guarantees that we would ever win. And at this point win or lose, it doesn't really matter. We're sort of stuck with each other, might as well just accept things as they are and make the best of our days together. jmo.
You may not like him as a coach, but you can't argue with his approach and his enthusiasm. People over on the a$$hol3 forum (ff) are trashing this and making fun of it. You can take a wait and see approach without trashing everything in the process.
Half the people in the FF didn’t survive in the recruiting forum and the other half know nothing about football. Lol
And he failed in the most important task he had. That is like an Olympic 100 meter sprinter that looks good in warm up but false starts when it counts. You don’t give a damn about anything but the race. You are probably more of a clown for thinking this ends any other way besides us seeking a new coach in 4-5 years with no material improvement to the program. Am I angry? Hell yes, hence the burning of my diploma that I no longer care for (I refuse to support such bad prolonged decision making). Why do I still post? Because I like to talk ****. I’ll let you know when your remarks have any impact on my psyche.

Shut up
It is the AD’s job to get people to say yes. Otherwise you would pay them like a University department head ($300k) a year and not $1m+.
Let's say your job is to sell stock, now go convince shareholders to buy Circuit City and Blockbuster...... If you can't it must mean you're a failure right?
"BUt cAN heUPeL ScOrE iN tHe SeC!?"

He's so good at coaching offense that he even got the basketball team to drop 80 on Kansas.
Huepel at Missouri as OC:
2016 – 500.5 yards per game, No. 13 in total offense (295.4 passing yards, 205.1 rushing yards, 31.4 points per game)

2017 – 502.2 yards per game, No. 8 in total offense (308.6 passing yards, 193.5 rushing yards, 37.5 points per game)
Huepel at Missouri as OC:
2016 – 500.5 yards per game, No. 13 in total offense (295.4 passing yards, 205.1 rushing yards, 31.4 points per game)

2017 – 502.2 yards per game, No. 8 in total offense (308.6 passing yards, 193.5 rushing yards, 37.5 points per game)
It.... was a joke... oof
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