You know something I find the most repulsive of all about recruiting ? These kids are becoming the "Meal Ticket" to so many people in their lives. Family, friends, handlers plus people they don't even know yet but have them on their radar. THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE. A high school or college kid is being leveraged to do what isn't necessarily best for him but what the people around him, and in many cases the people he trusts the most, think he can someday do for a pay day. I know it's not new by any means but I guess it just seems more open for some reason.
I know this is the old way of thinking but at one time an athlete wanted a scholarship because he got his school paid for. Now they want a scholarship so they can get a audition for a chance at making to the pros. Most had better get a education and prepare for the future. One injury on the field or off and the dream ends. I've have never seen on any job application a space that ask your time running the Forty or about your Vertical jump but all of them ask about your education......they will all learn that lesson one way or another because the school means more than the coach.