Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Let’s be honest, our kids HAVE to be ours because what child would CHOOSE to live with us after watching us attempt to dad every day.

My kids thank me for dinner sometimes and my response is... "You're welcome, but I am legally obligated to provide you with food."

They don't laugh. What the heck is wrong with them.
Watch the “debate” (actually really good conversation) between Peterson and Slavoj Zizek on Marxism. He was criticizing Marx’s call for “Bloody Violent Revolution” and when he said those words there was a small contingent in the crowd that cheered very loudly. He stopped and had this look on his face like “Really”? You could see the disgust in his reaction that all the pampered 1st world kids were reacting they were to things they can not understand.
Yeah that was a pretty chilling moment honestly. Absolute insanity.
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My dad makes a lot of money. I mean he’s not bill gates, but he’s definitely in the upper crust of South Carolina’s wage earners at least. I didn’t see much of any of it. He actually would joke to girlfriends that “I have money, he doesn’t have any money.”

I appreciated that, it made me figure out rather quickly that I can’t do frivolous things. I couldn’t go to college to learn feminist dance therapy or whatever the **** and be angry when there weren’t any jobs available.. especially since I have to pay back those loans myself. He helps me out more financially as an adult than he ever did as a child, which seems ass backwards.. but it taught me to appreciate earning anything and to expect to have to work to get it.
Good Dad...he decided to parent you instead of trying to be your buddy.
I had a friend in high school that had the newest Xbox, PlayStation, iPhones, Shoes, everything as soon as it came out.. And going to his house was brutally uncomfortable for me because I (at that point in my life) hadn't seen anyone literally cuss out their parents. I was scared to death for him, then I realized doing that was how he got his way.. then I started to feel bad for his spineless parents
I don't feel bad for his spineless parents...I despise them..they are one just set of the millions of fools that made these idiot monsters and unleashed them on the world to create the havoc that is going on.
Yep. My oldest daughter is almost 16 and decided recently that my rules weren't going to apply to her anymore. She has subsequently had to break it off with the boy she was talking to, gone from a smart phone to a flip phone to a no phone, lost all electronics for the past two weeks and only now can watch tv again, and is required to perform extra chores for no additional pay and write one book report per week for the entirety of the summer. I haven't decided if or when she can graduate back to the flip phone. She was pissed off at me for a while. Oh well. You learn to make good choices or there are consequences in life.
Lol..that's the way you do it.
Which one of you is in Silverton, CO? Just saw someone wearing a Tennessee sweatshirt walk by a restaurant I was in.
I hate you for being in should rent an side by side from the Polaris Adventures outfit there and head up in the mountains for the day. We are going to go back next summer or the year after and take our grandson up there.
Literally everyone is able to get away with it.

Unless your HC has an Alabama education. So, basically a 5th grade education. I mean...we had to be exceedingly dumb to even get caught.
That’s bc we don’t know how to play big boy football..... Georgia admin knows what’s going on and doesn’t care.
The best baseball players can go straight to the pros though. That might be like every 5* going to the pros/minor league rather than loading up to the same college teams. Take away the top-50 type kids and things would even out a good bit.
That is what I wish would happen.
Lost a friend to the dreaded and evil cancer yesterday. Only in his mid 50's and was a life-long vol fan. Please keep his wife and 2 daughters in your thoughts and prayers.
😥🙏 I hate that they have to go through this..I hate cancer, it has wreaked havoc on our family the last five years.
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