eh. it's mid august. we're all up in our feelz. factor in that blind spot, and i'd say 6-6 is still probably about right.
i think we've replaced some holes in the roster that we thought would be unfillable 4 months ago.
which is kind of a double edged's good that we filled those's maybe not so good that it is just that much more "new" that this program will have to deal with in yet another year 1 reboot.
i like pretty much everything i've seen so far from this staff, and i have no reason to think they're on the wrong track.
but i've no reason to think we're going to win 8 or 9 games either, in year 1. i think the offense will be entertaining/exciting. i think the defense may wind up being the most improved group by the end of the year. i just can't get to the point that says we're going to win all the games we're supposed to, and win a game we're not supposed to. year 1's are funny. you may win one you're not supposed to, but usually lose one you're not supposed to as well. where we fall on that spectrum...who knows.
to me, our season gets dictated by our record against Pitt, Missou, Ole Miss and UK....
3-1 non conf
0-3 uf, bama, uga
3-2, USCe, Vandy, Ole Miss, Mizzou, UK