Recruiting Forum Football Talk III

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Iā€™m not convinced the next person will perform any better than JP, given our inability to give time to a coach before jumping on the firing bandwagon. Weā€™re currently replacing a coach an average of every 3.25 years. That means every 3ish years we ā€œstart overā€ again and expect the next guy to wow us once he has his players in (but then we donā€™t actually give them a chance to get those players in and develop them... especially in a year where we get 60% or so of the normal fall camp). Starting JG all year was a mistake, but you canā€™t blame a coach for sticking with a 5th year senior for least the first 4 games of the year when the other guys were unable to get sufficient reps in due to limited practice time early on. After that, I get the frustration...but that 5th year QB had played quite well for 2.5-3 of those first 4.
You do it until you get it right.
More excuses lol it never ends

Ok. Go ahead and hire someone else, pay a buyout for 4 years and then Iā€™ll see you back here once JPā€™s buyout is satisfied so that we can do this coaching search thing again after the new guy inevitably fails to meet fansā€™ expectations.
Ok. Go ahead and hire someone else, pay a buyout for 4 years and then Iā€™ll see you back here once JPā€™s buyout is satisfied so that we can do this coaching search thing again after the new guy inevitably fails to meet fansā€™ expectations.
What are your expectations then?
In the twitter age, itā€™s absolutely foolish to pay for info. Especially when ā€œrecruiting is fluid.ā€

I mean, itā€™s only 10 a month but still.... between things changing constantly to everything being posted here or twitter anyways - why give it away?
Because this is an addiction and I CAN'T GET ENOUGH
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What are your expectations then?

At this point, we donā€™t have the monetary advantages we had in the 90s/early 2000s before tv money evened the playing field with the lower tier schools in the conference. Similarly, we donā€™t have the advantage of powerhouse in state recruiting options. Realistically, if we can get to a bowl game 3 out 4 years and show life as a competitor in the east about 2 out of 4 (possibly winning it once) that coach is probably a long haul candidate. I also think you canā€™t really count this year as a normal one for UT given the weird contact tracing our school had to endure that others didnā€™t. If this were a normal year, I think we definitely hit the bowl game mark and have a shot at the second one with Bailey and Shrout getting an actual full camp to compete.
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If one is objective, Fulmer's firing didn't start UT's downward spiral, and it wasn't Kiffin's leaving that torpedoed the program. It was UT making a bad hire afterward. There were better options available.

Nobody has done less with more than Pruitt, though.


We should have let Kippy Brown be the interim coach when Lane left and rode it out with the current staff. That would have given us a full year to search for our next HC and not make a panic decision. Similar to what Ohio St did when they fired Tressel.
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