Good stuff - we may have met each other since folks got out and walked around. It got tiring, but was a lot of fun with the Rocky Tops and Go Vols! Brought back memories of Frank Zappa - don't eat the yellow snow. lol. Lots of it on the access road side of the tunnel.
My wife was not amused. Finally inched our way around jack knifed semis to the Lake Junaluska exit and found a place to gas up/use the restrooms. Was filling the car as she went in first to use the restroom. It was the kind of place with hunting gear, deer heads on the wall, boxes stacked everywhere, etc. Two minutes later she came flying out crying. She had seen a big rat in the restroom with her behind a box as she did her business. She was not amused at my laughter. But it gave us a story to tell for years. She's still not over it - every time we go through the tunnel I ask her if we need to stop on the other side to pee. lol.