Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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I think it was just the general negative commentary and the listing of the refs' names.

I think they were well within their right to voice their displeasure and frustrations. Officiating has become malpractice at best, rigged at worst. And for whatever reason the powers that be keep creating and imposing rules that are 100% subjective. They are injecting gray area into what should be a black-and-white (no pun) job.
It sounds like they made some fans move from the endzone seats, maybe? Not sure though.
He would be working overtime to undo bad leadership for 15 years, mend broken relationships down there to fix their recruiting, appease an admin that doesn't understand football or appreciate "The U."

Too many cooks in the kitchen down there, and none of them are cooks.

How many more schools is Kiffin going to screw over by leaving Ole Miss after a year to take another school? I mean, the guy hasn't really set the world on fire as a coach until this year with a Pro QB he inherited. If he does Ole Miss like he did us, when does it get to that point where schools can't trust the guy? You can only burn so many schools before it backfires on you. I don't get the fascination with Kiffin. There has got to be better coaches to go after than Kiffin. lol
While walking on ice, I inadvertently tested the rotational range of my ankle, attempting to point my foot straight behind me. It will in fact do that when released from the restraints of intact bones. Most uncomfortable and not recommended.

Excellent description. Paints an extremely painful picture. ☹️
Lol, anyways I wasn’t and am not trying to compare myself to Tiyon Evans, what I was comparing is that I’ve had those injuries to include multiple ankle injuries with way less Physical Therapy and they are never going to be 100% again no matter what.

I was saying it seems like he is being a wuss and just not playing through whatever the pain he has is. Again, I think it is mainly probably a mental thing.

I could be wrong but for him to be out as long as he has been with the amount of care he receives is baffling to me. He missed all of Spring with this injury.

How long ago did you have your high ankle sprain. I will agree that those frequently never return to normal if adequate rest for recovery isn’t taken. It it was a while back, they didn’t do surgery and return to 100% was unlikely.

Now the corrective surgery yields excellent results and 100% recovery is expected. I have seen several athletes that one of our Foot and Ankle specialists surgically corrected and their next season, they are back at 100%. The key is identifying the injury early, immediate avoiding further damage, and separating the surgical from non-surgical injuries.
It really shouldn’t be called an ankle sprain given the difference in severity…jmemo (just my expert medical opinion) if I say so myself…😎
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Gross 🤢 I would not want to see that in person.

The worst bone break injury I’ve seen in person was on a punt, me and the other gunner made it down the field to the returner and I was covering behind in case he missed the ball, the kid didn’t fair catch and the other gunner hit him just below his knee and the guy folded over his own knee. Grossest bone break I’ve ever seen.

Worst for me was watching the damn bammers dislocated Tony Robinson’s knee. Wasn’t a cheap shot or playing dirty. Just bad. One guy hit him above the knee going one way and simultaneously he was hit from the opposite direction below the knee. I saw it live (on tv) then they kept showing over and over. Knew that was a career ending injury. Made me want to throw up cause you could just see it. Then they started showing it in slow motion. I had to walk away.

Don't watch much NFL but all this VOL greats talk has me going thru highlights/stats and man...
The misuse of Cordarrelle Patterson by some throughout the years, is borderline criminal.

Tomorrow morning - Eric Berry appreciation day.
Got the OG EB jersey upstairs. Def a fav. (It's a jersey purshased at Neyland, just want to clarify this middle classer doesnt spend money on rare jerseys). I wear it.
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