Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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But do baseball teams even really peak and drop all that much, compared to, say, football or basketball? Developing team chemistry is so important in football and basketball and can be developed throughout the that late season teams come about.

In baseball, I get individual players can develop and some will go on hot streaks or cold streaks...but there doesn't seem to be a strong reason to suddenly drop off or get passed by others, except injuries. If we were on a heater the first 5 or 10 games, I'd get it. But 20+ games in, this is who we are. This isn't just good variance. But who knows, maybe we'll get better too 😎
It happens in baseball just as much as in basketball...but...this team seems to be one of those 27 Yankees types that just have zero weaknesses anywhere.
Imagine Beam as a bridge between guys like Tidwell and Joyce….that’s scary.

I have know Drew's uncle most of my life. Whole family is full of great people. Super happy for this kid, even better that he's a Vol.

But I'll also say this - he'd have been a Vol even if we weren't good.
End of an era. Cancelled my VQ over a month ago and they’re finally cutting me off. Wouldn’t mind renewing cept it takes an act of God or Congress (whichever one’s in session) to cancel the bugger!
It's quicker to cancel the card It's on...then deal with Rivals
It happens in baseball just as much as in basketball...but...this team seems to be one of those 27 Yankees types that just have zero weaknesses anywhere.
I'm just not convinced anything is actually happening in baseball "ups and downs" (barring injuries or losing players, some anomalous situation). I played through high school and it all seemed quite random, unlike basketball where chemistry was key and led to peaks and valleys. Baseball can be decided by one swing or pitch...the margins are so small...which is why baseball teams have double digit losses every year and no one ever goes undefeated nor comes close.

All sports have variance, but I'm not convinced something is really happening teamwide on most occasions. Teams still go "cold" and "hot" as we perceive it as humans, but it's unlikely from some source of the team as a whole failing to be as good as they once were. I'd guess it's more of regular variance.
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