Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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Hiding it from airplanes?
It happens in baseball just as much as in basketball...but...this team seems to be one of those 27 Yankees types that just have zero weaknesses anywhere.

Love this team but fielding is definitely their weakest link. Through 25 games(latest stats I can find) they were 41st in fielding percentage and 46th in errors with 21.
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I'm just not convinced anything is actually happening in baseball "ups and downs" (barring injuries or losing players, some anomalous situation). I played through high school and it all seemed quite random, unlike basketball where chemistry was key and led to peaks and valleys. Baseball can be decided by one swing or pitch...the margins are so small...which is why baseball teams have double digit losses every year and no one ever goes undefeated nor comes close.

All sports have variance, but I'm not convinced something is really happening teamwide on most occasions. Teams still go "cold" and "hot" as we perceive it as humans, but it's unlikely from some source of the team as a whole failing to be as good as they once were. I'd guess it's more of regular variance.
Whatever you want to call it...I have seen great, as a matter of fact, some of the greatest offensive teams collectively go ice cold. Most of the time, it is because they run into a team with great pitching, and they are just not used to having to grind, so they kind of collectively lose their edge and start pressing, and then it filters into every part of their game..even pitching and defense.
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