Recruiting Forum Football Talk IV

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I understand that. I agree to an extent, but quality of parenting trumps number of parents in my opinion. Not enough parenting involvement is s definite problem. 🤔

Agree 100%. My dad died when I was 6. My mom is 75 now and never went on a date since and it happened it 1981. Was totally selfless, to a fault, my entire life. The epitome of how to take care of business, so to speak. Things were not easy but we made it thanks to her. Is funny that it has came full circle now and she is staying with me after she had a 3 week hospital stay and 1st surgery. I would not be able to do this if not for the strength she always showed me! 1 parent can do it but it is definitely a hard row to hoe!

And PS- my wife is a Saint for taking care of her while I work.

Lemons and lemonade or something like that. 😁
New message from my uncle in Ukraine. They're streaming the Vandy v Tennessee baseball game via satellite. He said some of them have picked his side but others have picked the Vols because they're outdoorsmen and farmers and he's been showing them some of my wildlife and research posts the last few months.

He said he's going to try to get permission to share a picture from their viewing tonight. Not sure if I'll be able to share it here or not. It's 1am there too lol.

Man..that would be awesome
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