Recruiting Forum Football Talk LVI

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Been reading some player threads and it's been stated that there is a hard 25 number that can't be exceeded no mater what. So if we only sign 22 this class we just loose the three? I understand why we may can only sign 22, that's not the question. Are we sure you can't back count anymore? If I have 24 slots available and only sign 23, I can't sign 26 next year?

Teams can only sign 25 with Dec and Feb signing days. Teams can still have players enroll in August and count toward next year (2019) as long as player has not visited campus. But Aug signees do count against next 25. Vols did this with Wiggins, McDaniel and one other last year. This is my understanding base on conversation with a coach.
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The reality is that Butch Jones wanted out at the end of 2016, and he did not leave the program in good shape. Maybe better than Dooley left it, but not good. Pruitt has work to do and it is going to take more than 4 weeks to turn it around.

I am confident that Pruitt's championship drive is going to rub off on the program and we will be enjoying the difference as early as 2018. I will not be discouraged at the end of signing day, especially if we get JJ and QW. Those two linebackers will raise the level of competition dramatically. We may not fill every need with this class, but I think we will be better...
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We so need a good season out of this staff. If they can coax more wins than I think possible out of this group of players, then I think recruiting will take off. If they do not get us into the top echelon of classes next year, it will be a tough row to hoe for Pruitt to keep his job more than 3-4 years. He has got to flip this roster. This class is probably just going to be meh overall, I don't think it will do lot to help the situation immediately.

He does not have to flip the roster. We were 12th in 2017 in Team Talent Composite based on recruit rankings, and it's not like we're losing a ton of players. I understand that results on the field matter, but, if Pruitt coaches the way we think he can, this shouldn't be a long-term turnaround. My money is on a decent season, with a decent bowl, followed by a top 5 recruiting class.
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Teams can only sign 25 with Dec and Feb signing days. Teams can still have players enroll in August and count toward next year (2019) as long as player has not visited campus. But Aug signees do count against next 25. Vols did this with Wiggins, McDaniel and one other last year. This is my understanding base on conversation with a coach.

Yea, I knew about the blueshirt thing. I just am having a hard time understanding the cap on 25. It doesn't really hurt programs that are rolling like Bama as they are wasting 5* on the bench year in and year out. When your roster is depleted, it makes it hard to rebuild. Take one class, if you have a couple of medical hardship cases, an academic casualty or two, have 3-4 leave early for the draft, it makes it hard to make up for all that attrition quickly. It could take years. I think it hurts the school and it hurts the student athlete.
He does not have to flip the roster. We were 12th in 2017 in Team Talent Composite based on recruit rankings, and it's not like we're losing a ton of players. I understand that results on the field matter, but, if Pruitt coaches the way we think he can, this shouldn't be a long-term turnaround. My money is on a decent season, with a decent bowl, followed by a top 5 recruiting class.

I expect to make a bowl game in 2018 but I also expect the season to be a bit of a circus with some surprise wins and a few surprise losses and confounding performances. I look to the 2017 season as well as the first years for Saban, Herman, Dooley, Butch, and Smart, among others, as my guide.
Been reading some player threads and it's been stated that there is a hard 25 number that can't be exceeded no mater what. So if we only sign 22 this class we just loose the three? I understand why we may can only sign 22, that's not the question. Are we sure you can't back count anymore? If I have 24 slots available and only sign 23, I can't sign 26 next year?

We only have 22 spots this class because of blueshirts. When they discuss using a blueshirt in this class, it takes spots away next year. They stopped backcounting. Even when it was allowed, we would have only been able to sign 19-21 to take advantage.
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Yea, I knew about the blueshirt thing. I just am having a hard time understanding the cap on 25. It doesn't really hurt programs that are rolling like Bama as they are wasting 5* on the bench year in and year out. When your roster is depleted, it makes it hard to rebuild. Take one class, if you have a couple of medical hardship cases, an academic casualty or two, have 3-4 leave early for the draft, it makes it hard to make up for all that attrition quickly. It could take years. I think it hurts the school and it hurts the student athlete.

The only type of kid it benefits is someone like Tillman who may back into a spot because Young left us at the alter and we are scrambling to fill the spot before we lose it.

I agree, dumb rule change. I bet it was done because the NCAA was having a tough time keeping track of how many kids a school could sign in a particular year. If that's the reason, blue shirts will prob be gone soon too.
We only have 22 spots this class because of blueshirts. When they discuss using a blueshirt in this class, it takes spots away next year. They stopped backcounting. Even when it was allowed, we would have only been able to sign 19-21 to take advantage.

I understand that, my little furry friend, but my question/issue is if we don't sign a as many as we can, i.e. 22 this year, it doesn't appear we can sign over next year to make up for the ones we could have signed but didn't.
I understand that, my little furry friend, but my question/issue is if we don't sign a as many as we can, i.e. 22 this year, it doesn't appear we can sign over next year to make up for the ones we could have signed but didn't.

Which I covered, my befuddled prescription medicine addicted friend. We’re not “losing spots” by “only signing 22”. We LOST those spots by signing a full 25 last season when we were limited in numbers because of blueshirts the PREVIOUS the spots weren’t lost. The analogy is we’re paying off the credit card...unless we blueshirt again this class. It got silly with the backcounting thing. Schools were signing 31-33 kids two years in a row due to signing less than 25 in multiple classes. Not sure how student athletes were benefitting from that methodology. Sign what you can when you can...humans can’t handle hoarding.
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Which I covered, my befuddled prescription medicine addicted friend. It got silly with the backcounting thing. Schools were signing 31-33 kids two years in a row due to signing less than 25 in multiple classes. Not sure how student athletes were benefitting from that methodology. Sign what you can when you can...humans can’t handle hoarding.

I can see not allowing multiple year back counting but back counting from one year to the next should be allowed IMO. Having that rule hurts more than it helps. Hold the scholarship rather than just throw it out there on a marginal player that will likely be recruited over or take a risk on a kid with questionable academics.

And, as to prescriptions, I take none. No high blood pressure pills, no diabetic medication, nothing.:thud:
I can see not allowing multiple year back counting but back counting from one year to the next should be allowed IMO. Having that rule hurts more than it helps. Hold the scholarship rather than just throw it out there on a marginal player that will likely be recruited over or take a risk on a kid with questionable academics.

If you could trust coaches to use scholarships in that vein, I’d agree. They always look for loopholes to get that last kid in...even Bama when they’re trying to keep other schools from getting a kid that Saban doesn’t necessarily need. See Alvin Kamara.

And I’m not really a dog.
Yea, I knew about the blueshirt thing. I just am having a hard time understanding the cap on 25. It doesn't really hurt programs that are rolling like Bama as they are wasting 5* on the bench year in and year out. When your roster is depleted, it makes it hard to rebuild. Take one class, if you have a couple of medical hardship cases, an academic casualty or two, have 3-4 leave early for the draft, it makes it hard to make up for all that attrition quickly. It could take years. I think it hurts the school and it hurts the student athlete.

I don't think it's changed much for us. I think the rule changes just affect all the other conferences. It seems like they just are enforcing the SEC rules across the nation and maybe tweaking a little to make it harder to back count. Of course I could be completely wrong but it just seems like everybody in the SEC is just business as usual.
Seems obvious that most blue chips want to see improvements on the field


Last year’s record was LAST YEAR and means squat. My sophomore yr in high school our basketball team went 5-25. We hired a new coach my Jr. yr, lost one guy off the roster (who never played) and went 25-5 and were ranked 2nd in the state.
If these guys are elite players, their mindset should be to come in and win. Last year’s record only matters if Butch is still here.

Edit: Simonton quote didn’t show up under Gucci quote, but said players were worried about last year’s record. I was challenging that. Not directed at Gucci.
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If you could trust coaches to use scholarships in that vein, I’d agree. They always look for loopholes to get that last kid in...even Bama when they’re trying to keep other schools from getting a kid that Saban doesn’t necessarily need. See Alvin Kamara.

And I’m not really a dog.

Shocker! And such a disappointment. Next thing you're going to tell us is you don't smoke cigars or carry a shiny 1911.
I can see not allowing multiple year back counting but back counting from one year to the next should be allowed IMO. Having that rule hurts more than it helps. Hold the scholarship rather than just throw it out there on a marginal player that will likely be recruited over or take a risk on a kid with questionable academics.

And, as to prescriptions, I take none. No high blood pressure pills, no diabetic medication, nothing.:thud:

Swiss cake rolls is your only addiction, amirite?
If you could trust coaches to use scholarships in that vein, I’d agree. They always look for loopholes to get that last kid in...even Bama when they’re trying to keep other schools from getting a kid that Saban doesn’t necessarily need. See Alvin Kamara.

And I’m not really a dog.

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Here is my take on NSD. At the end of the day, Butch Jones will still be gone. Even if we whiff on everybody that we are hoping for, we have Jeremy Pruitt as our HC. We do not have to endure one more Butch Jones press conference or hard-headed personnel decision. We have a new coach, a new start and a new staff that has killed it as position coaches and as recruiters. And, we don't have BUTCH JONES!!

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No, on the Swiss cake rolls. Wife bought some and the box lasted me several weeks. She asked if I was ok.

Cuz you were fetal positioning it in the shower with the oatmeal cream pies? :no:
Not checking any recruits threads till NSD. Just gonna cruise through this one. Next year is when the chips are gonna fall
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