Recruiting Forum Football Talk LVI

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If we don't get Walker in no way has this signing class been a success. Doesn't matter how anyone wants to spin it.

Unfortunately I agree.

I still think the 19 class will be around 5-10 nationally. Just feels like we’re going to miss out on literally every big name tomorrow. Outside of Peterson obviously.
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Like I said in the Walker thread...They better coach their arses off this season and win some games, or it won't get any better.

No one should expect results this year. It's going to be rough. We need guys to buy into the process like Butch was able to do.
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We had the biggest coaching search meltdown EVER!!! I'll be glad if we land a top 25 class. And yeah that won't cut it against GA and Bama, unless JG turns into a transformative QB. But it is what it is. Wasn't like we going to win the East for min. 2 year anyways.
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“But but but we’re a hat on the table”

I get that he had a serious challenge in front of him when he took the job but this staff is loaded with elite recruiters. That’s why I’m so disappointed.

"But we nabbed a couple 4 stars back in the early signing period. And, and Kirby sucks, and and don't you realize that thanks to this staff we're actually in the conversation again? Never mind the fact we didn't get the kid." So on and so forth. Still excited for the future.
If we do indeed lose Walker, this class will be kind of disappointing. Not in a "OMG, Pruitt is a failure" kind of way, but totally in a "I had my hopes up" kind of way. Biggest thing Pruitt has given us thus far is hope. He's not afraid to chase the big time recruits. I hate saying wait to next year, but in this case, I think it's appropriate.
We had the biggest coaching search meltdown EVER!!! I'll be glad if we land a top 25 class. And yeah that won't cut it against GA and Bama, unless JG turns into a transformative QB. But it is what it is. Wasn't like we going to win the East for min. 2 year anyways.

who is blocking for jg? Thats my biggest concern. its a joke OL.
Nah, it's not. Runner up doesn't cut it in this league hoss.

Ok so 1 guy makes a class? Sorry, absolutely not. JJ Peterson is on the same level as Walker. Peterson, Taylor, Emerson, Carvin etc are all stellar pickups. Especially considering the unique situation Pruitt was in.

We have a brand new coaching staff. The fact that we were very competitive with all of these high profile recruits is very encouraging. Considering the season we just had, its foolish to think CJP was going to come in here and beat out Smart and Saban for elite recruits. I honestly believe many Vol fans have put unrealistic and insane expectations on this coaching staff. Its really sad that you cannot see how successful this class actually is.
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If we do indeed lose Walker, this class will be kind of disappointing. Not in a "OMG, Pruitt is a failure" kind of way, but totally in a "I had my hopes up" kind of way. Biggest thing Pruitt has given us thus far is hope. He's not afraid to chase the big time recruits. I hate saying wait to next year, but in this case, I think it's appropriate.

Nice to see some sanity in this sea of insanity.
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