Recruiting Forum Football Talk LVI

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I just want to take this time to thank everyone for their support so far. Thought I would update you guys on whats happening so far. I met with an attorney today and she made me feel confident I can get primary custody with limited visitation for her. She believes my case is strong and will file for an advanced hearing due to the circumstance. Going to try to get a loan for the rest of the retainer this week. As soon as I pay her the retainer, it all gets started. Pretty much, I found my representation and will get started soon.

Did she not mention to file an emergency exparte order? The judge can order them to you immediately until they can have a trial.
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Random Question - what the hell is Fortnite???

It's a free game that's down loadable on Xbox and I assume PlayStation. In the game you have a character that drops in on this map that keeps shrinking. You go in with nothing but an axe. You can loot guns and stuff and then last man standing wins. I've watch my son play it. It looks fun. It's 100 players when it starts.
That's awesome, baby!

"Look at Coach Cal. Coaching hard on the sidelines, baby!! Look how animated he is! Working the refs hard! Look at what he did at Ma$$achu$ett$ baby. You knew once he got the job at Kentucky with all these re$ource$ what he'd be able to do. And he's doing it baby!!"

What's he doing Dickie V.? Oh, that's right, getting his ass kicked for the second time this season by Rick MFing Barnes who's sitting calmly on the bench why Cal acts like a damn idiot.
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"Look at Coach Cal. Coaching hard on the sidelines, baby!! Look how animated he is! Working the refs hard! Look at what he did at Ma$$achu$ett$ baby. You knew once he got the job at Kentucky with all these re$ource$ what he'd be able to do. And he's doing it baby!!"

What's he doing Dickie V.? Oh, that's right, getting his ass kicked for the second time this season by Rick MFing Barnes who's sitting calmly on the bench why Cal acts like a damn idiot.

Yeah and immediately after Admiral’s dunk he said he was sad for the Kentucky player that turned it over.
"Look at Coach Cal. Coaching hard on the sidelines, baby!! Look how animated he is! Working the refs hard! Look at what he did at Ma$$achu$ett$ baby. You knew once he got the job at Kentucky with all these re$ource$ what he'd be able to do. And he's doing it baby!!"

What's he doing Dickie V.? Oh, that's right, getting his ass kicked for the second time this season by Rick MFing Barnes who's sitting calmly on the bench why Cal acts like a damn idiot.

Recruits Top 5 talent annually.... owned by Tennessee annually

Got an ESPN notification earlier

“Why Tennessee will not be in the Final Four” and just laughed, that we are even in a position for this conversation to occur
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Got an ESPN notification earlier

“Why Tennessee will not be in the Final Four” and just laughed, that we are even in a position for this conversation to occur

I know right. Picked 13th in the SEC and now in conversations for the final four.
Screw the final 4... just get to the sweet 16 and that's HUGE. Especially since everyone but Daniel is coming back!
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Wow. Eclipses come around about as often as that?,

Depends on what kind of eclipse you're talking about.

Solar eclipses are common, but they are slender so for a given point on Earth, they are pretty rare.

Lunar eclipses are visible anywhere the moon is visible during the eclipse so they are much more common for a given point on Earth.
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