My 2 cents on the whole "whoa is us Clemson football our favorite players..." thing...
I try to dull my pain by telling myself this is the way it had to happen to perhaps knock Bama down. Even if we would've got Trevor, Tee, Amari.... They wouldn't have had the supporting cast they do now... Or the coaching and development they do now. Not at all taking anything away from their individual talents and abilities, they are great. And not saying I didn't want them anyway because I did... Trevor seems like a great kid.
But what are the chances, honestly, that they thrive under Butch? Does Butch get canned when he does if they come? Does he run one or all of them off with his nonsense?
I'm just saying, it's not like we are playing Bama last night for it all if we get them here. We are in a bowl this year most likely, but I guess what my point is.. Is everything happens for a reason. And at least they didn't go to to Florida or some bullcrap like that.