Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Random thought.

Sometimes I hear about folks that say we will be easier to beat this year because teams have seen film and played against us before. But that never stopped Heup at his previous stops from still putting a lot of points up each season.
Yes that’s an ignorant argument. Literally applies to every other team in the country with returning coaching staffs
Random thought.

Sometimes I hear about folks that say we will be easier to beat this year because teams have seen film and played against us before. But that never stopped Heup at his previous stops from still putting a lot of points up each season.
It is wishful thinking and a stupid argument.

Heupel's offense didn't just pop into existence out of now here. It been run for quite a few years, in one variation or another.

Specifically, Heupel's offense didn't just magically appear when he got to UT. UCF film was easily available for scouts to use while preparing for UT.

If they think that, "now we have film, so we know what to do", they're in for a rude awakening. If they are only using UT's offense from last year as a scouting/preparation tool, they should be immensely more worried about the fact that only around 50% of the offense was installed.
What is the facination with beans for breakfast in the UK

or at UK, for that matter?
Last time I was in the UK, it was bacon (which is ham), eggs, sliced tomatoes, toast, marmalade, and black tea. Which was pretty d-mn good. No beans.

Last time I was at UK, and on a Sunday morning, it was a big plate of "Shut Up" for everybody local, and a double scoop of gloating for me. Which was even better.

Edit: Maybe I asked to sub double tomatoes for beans. I don't really remember. Wifey just told me, No, there were baked beans everywhere for breakfast. But I think marketing the baked beans for breakfast is a relatively new development.
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Does anyone else ever find it odd how some adults will tell you "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I have to go to the bathroom" as if they couldn't just walk off on their own volition like any other adult and take care of their business? I mean, you're not 5 years old. You don't need help, do you? 😂 Ok, well maybe folks InVol's age do...but I give Old Yellers free passes on saying weird things.

I usually respond with something snarky like, "call us when you get there and keep us updated". I just don't get it 🧐
So you have unannounced disappearances, sometimes with a smoke trail (on fajita night) and no one has a remark? 😎
There’s this Children’s show called Wild Kratts that my kids were low-key obsessed with (me too if I’m honest.) They talked about mycelium, and how the fungi network in a forest creates this central nervous system for trees in a thick grove that can actually interpret which trees are unhealthy and distribute nutrients to a failing tree. It blew my mind.

My youngest son will spout off animal facts that I never knew- all from this show.
Adding Estrella to Dilione is unbelievable. I think Barnes is getting even better at recruiting, if that’s possible. People better enjoy the run because he isn’t getting any younger.
He was already good, and he must have accepted NIL. Juggernaut at recruiting. If he can just turn that into one tourney run before retirement 🤞🏽
Now that is my kind of workout!
Y’all should go listen to Bartoo on Josh and Swain

pitt won’t even be a game. We’re having 50+ on them
I just listened, great segment!

He said “Heupel and Hooker are going to obliterate Pitt”. He said Pitts new OC is one of the worst coordinators in football.

I also liked what he said about Jimbo and A&M - they must win 10 games or it’s gonna be bad for them. Also said that Jimbo caught lightening in a bottle with Winston and isn’t a good coach.
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