Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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I thought you probably went. Seymour is so little on the lines. Didn't really see any decent player. Not trying to knock them, it's just that they usually have at least 1-2 players that are noticeably better than the rest.

Maybe G-P is gonna be pretty good this year. They have pretty big off & def lines, especially considering their classification. That #7 kid, Whaley I think, looks like a heckuva athlete.
I think their QB is Bennie Hammonds grandson. They did look good, but SC beat them 14-0 in the jamboree. Seymour's freshman QB looked pretty good for a freshman. To me, he can throw it way better than their Jr. starter. I have known the RB, Kai Thompson since he was in the first grade (he was in class with my daughter) and he is a great kid. He has developed into a pretty good player. I will go to all the home games and the away games that aren't too far. We can hope that GP is just that good, but I highly doubt it.
Does anyone else ever find it odd how some adults will tell you "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I have to go to the bathroom" as if they couldn't just walk off on their own volition like any other adult and take care of their business? I mean, you're not 5 years old. You don't need help, do you? 😂 Ok, well maybe folks InVol's age do...but I give Old Yellers free passes on saying weird things.

I usually respond with something snarky like, "call us when you get there and keep us updated". I just don't get it 🧐

Maybe the adults are letting everyone know other people may not want to go in there for about 10 minutes after they come out. 😁
Maybe the adults are letting everyone know other people may not want to go in there for about 10 minutes after they come out. 😁

Reminds me of the Ricky Gervais (The Office) Principle and how sociopaths communicate with one another by using "Powertalk"...a type of speaking only other sociopaths follow. But in this case it's just for folks that go #2 at their friend's house 😂
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Does anyone else ever find it odd how some adults will tell you "I'm going to the bathroom" or "I have to go to the bathroom" as if they couldn't just walk off on their own volition like any other adult and take care of their business? I mean, you're not 5 years old. You don't need help, do you? 😂 Ok, well maybe folks InVol's age do...but I give Old Yellers free passes on saying weird things.

I usually respond with something snarky like, "call us when you get there and keep us updated". I just don't get it 🧐
I will respond further to this post after I get back from the bathroom.
He's probably going to win the job, but this quote is insane:

Did Pruitt/Cheney ever talk to this kid? He didn't know about stepping up in the pocket?

That is just a kid talking out of his ass in spite. Kid been with Qb guru camps since 6th grade. You telling me none of these specialist taught him this. More like blaming others for his own faults and being slow with ball
There’s this Children’s show called Wild Kratts that my kids were low-key obsessed with (me too if I’m honest.) They talked about mycelium, and how the fungi network in a forest creates this central nervous system for trees in a thick grove that can actually interpret which trees are unhealthy and distribute nutrients to a failing tree. It blew my mind.
Wow. Pretty high level stuff for a kid's show.

Have you seen the doc Fantastic Fungi on Netflix? Good stuff.

Also enjoyed the movie Gaia which has a similar subject matter...but pretty dang creepy. Not for kids.

mOaR MoNeY iS aLl ThAt MaTtErS

Screw all the G5s and FCS programs that rely on those games just to survive. And forget getting your freshman and walkons in on any games. Just go batter yourselves through a 9 game monster schedule of top 25 teams and leave November with 85 injured, bruised, and broken players.

View attachment 482208

Lol nice

I think all we need are some hookers sponsored by Hendon.

"Hendon's at the never renovated motel over there by Knoxville College beside the know the one. Just tell 'em Hendon sent ya!"

"$5 off when you enter promo code "HENDOCINCO" at checkout."
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