Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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Well you can believe whatever you want. Lol, but I’m Law Enforcement and I’m telling you, that it doesn’t matter if Jaylen walked outside after the initial incident. A good lawyer will get this dropped.

I mean heck Kenneth George actually assaulted a cop and got arrested and the charges were dropped lol.
I didn't know you were a LEO.
Folks need to set their football wishes aside and look at this as rational people. Imagine you have an adult son who'd drank a bit too much, accidentally went into the wrong apartment, apologized, something...something, said "You don't need to be a dick about it", left... And someone followed him out after the need for any escalation at all, punched him down a flight of stairs and smashed his teeth out.

I'm not even saying this is what happened. I'm just saying that it's pretty sick to see people excusing this activity and calling to lie to the cops because they want an average safety back on the field for the Bama game.
I get that, but I also don't think the full story is being told. We don't know a lot about what happened. How long was the guy actually in the apartment? Was the guy actually belligerent and confrontational towards the people in the apartment. Had he damaged something or was suspected of taking something?

Had JM actually just followed him out to question him and the guy got defensive, shoved him first, spit on him, etc? JM hasn't given his testimony publicly yet. We have the word of a guy who was drunk enough that he entered the wrong building, after he had just left the correct building, then was knocked unconscious. How many details does he fully remember? How much is he leaving out? Did the "other guy" and JM's girlfriend actually see JM hit him or just the aftermath? As in, would they have seen the victim do something to provoke JM to swing on him? All that said, the only thing that truly warrants JM hitting him is if he was swung on or spit on imo.

Absolutely should not lie to the police. I agree with you. But even putting football aside this is a really weird scenario and there's clearly details missing. I would be shocked if all the charges stuck and that the current testimony is exactly what happened. Especially considering JM has always been considered one of the finest young men on the team and he's never been in trouble or near trouble before.
It was my assumption when I saw sampson go stick his nose between the guard and tackle while the safety was coming in like a heat-seeking missile.
I'm saying it was definitely a missed assignment by a freshman. I saw the safety blitz coming watching at home. He never saw it. He almost got HH killed and he wasn't the same after that hit.
We have already done that some…..we have encouraged players that transferring may be in their best interest…A lot of great coaches clear the roster of dead weight… it’s part of the process.
It will be done, but roster numbers will be tight regardless. Especially if anyone is allowed to use their Covid year.
I’m going to say it…
IF your Tennessee Vols beat Bama, can you keep them from being #1 in the nation?

I think the AP would have to make us #1 to avoid the VolTwitter backlash that would ensue if we were not.

"Listen... UT fans are flippin crazy. They just be Bama for the first time in like 15 years and they are just looking for reason to riot. Unless we want to reap that whirlwind, I suggest we make them #1 whether we believe they are or not. I mean, seriously. We have families to think about here."

AP Voters (prolly)
I wonder if CJH not being from here(SEC country) has anything to do with his approach to our big rivalry games?
I don’t think he feels the weight of its been 10-15 years since we beat team x he’s just game planning for Alabama cause there our next game.
Maybe a bit, but I just think he has the "baller" mentality.
Reserving any further judgment without all the information. I am not one to start throwing hands easily, but we clearly don't know the whole story.
I am not least I am not anymore, but back in the day if a drunk dude just busted up in my place and then spouted off at me...I would have beat the piss out of him too.

It sounds like JMs time at UT is done. Some of these Richard Heads act like they are happy about a good kid (according to literally everybody) going to jail for something he obviously wasn't out trying to make happen.

He shouldn't have done it, but if it been me, I can't say for sure that I wouldn't have knocked the dudes face around too. any of the Richard Heads really believe that he really meant for the guy to fall down the staircase?
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I am looking at it from the perspective of what's been released, and what many people are responding to. I said that clearly in my post, and even made it blatant with the "this may not even be what happened" comment. And per the "from the victim's perspective" I spoke to this:

I'm thinking of this from a legal and common decency perspective. If the guy accidentally walked into the wrong apartment, apologized, and was followed out... Then he is the victim. Not the girl.

You say "But, looking at it from a reasonable perspective of current facts."... And that I'm "While dismissing the facts."

Then you defend the assault as thoug the drunk moron was a rapist that burst into the apartment with a machete.

It's. A. Freaking. Apartment. Complex.

Stuff like this happens.
So it definitely makes sense that you're seeing it from the victim's perspective because you've literally been in the victim's shoes. Nobody making the mistake you made and handling it the way you handled it deserves to have the crap beat out of them, and I'm thankful you were helped. Shoot, I once walked into my apartment with a drunk stranger asleep in my bed. Woke him up and had a chat after he calmed down from thinking I'd broke in on HIM. Offered for him to stay the night but he opted to leave.

We don't yet know if this victim handled it the way you did or if he belligerently got defensive and aggressive in response to JM's questioning or even JM trying to initially help him. If he did and JM escalated this himself then its very very bad and he's going to pay the price. But as for most of these kind of reports we need to wait for both sides and more details because there's a lot of potential scenarios.
I am not least I am not anymore, but back in the day if a drunk dude just busted up in my place and then spouted off at me...I would have beat the piss out of him too.

It sounds like JMs time at UT is done. Some of these dickheads act like they are happy about a good kid (according to literally everybody) going to jail for something he obviously wasn't out trying to make happen.

He shouldn't have done it, but if it been me, I can't say for sure that I wouldn't have knocked the dudes face around too. any of the dickheads really believe that he really meant for the guy to fall down the staircase?
I don't think he's gone. I have a feeling CJH is going to stick by him here.
I am not least I am not anymore, but back in the day if a drunk dude just busted up in my place and then spouted off at me...I would have beat the piss out of him too.

It sounds like JMs time at UT is done. Some of these dickheads act like they are happy about a good kid (according to literally everybody) going to jail for something he obviously wasn't out trying to make happen.

He shouldn't have done it, but if it been me, I can't say for sure that I wouldn't have knocked the dudes face around too. any of the dickheads really believe that he really meant for the guy to fall down the staircase?

He was at his home, with his girl. He wasn't out at a party or a bar or club. He was at home and some rando drunk busts into HIS home. I don't want to say he is 100% innocent of everything, but he was not looking for trouble. I hope he gets cleared and gets to finish his time at UT. Like you said, by all accounts JM is a good kid and a good teammate. Hate that this came into his path.
It was my assumption when I saw sampson go stick his nose between the guard and tackle while the safety was coming in like a heat-seeking missile.

Yeah, that was an obvious missed assignment. I like the accountability though. Something tells me this isn’t bad blood, but rather a challenge to Sampson. Hooker took a shot and he’s got to be able to trust his backs. Someone else said it, but we will see a lot of Small and Wright in this game.
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