Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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I've been learning how to read the graphs, and when to know when something is going down and when it will go up the last couple of months. I'm not a fan of holding stocks/crypto just to make a few hundred bucks when the market stabilizes, so I decided to make money now. I've had a few guys that do it for a living help me understand.

Shorting is easier than longing something
How does one short crypto?
Easy fix for knowing if Bryce plays or not this week is send someone over there to spy on their practices and see if he’s out there. Or you could just think with some common sense and expect the backup to be in there. I don’t think Bryce will be at 100% if he came back Saturday and with the draft coming up I don’t think he’ll risk it
We have already had the same game plan in place for our last 3 QBs we faced that are similar to Milroe. Just need to have a backup plan in case BY actually plays. I guarantee Heupel knows that if a QB doesn’t throw a pass for a whole week due to a shoulder injury, then it’s highly unlikely he plays a week later.
I think if we prepare for Young? It’ll work on Milroe. 😏
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