Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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JP Model (Josh Pate's Prediction Model) for Tennessee:
Best Case: 10-2
Worst Case: 5-7
Prediction: 9-3

I think we'd need a huge rash of injuries to finish 5-7 this year. I'm still at 8-4. There will always be some level of adversity on the roster (injuries, players quitting midseason, etc.) and our depth is not great, which will keep us from hitting the best case scenario. But I think our offensive style will get us wins against the teams we should beat and our defense will be good enough to help us capture a few extra Ws along the way. Should be a fun year and I look forward to it getting started.


UT is going to have to push the NCAA on Bru and let them liaise with SC. Not actively opposing a transfer isn't the same as legal involvement to protect the university. Bru has been in a legal battle with SC for a year. He just filed to dismiss a month ago-- without prejudice. Timing was always going to be a factor, and SC is going to mitigate risk. UT has been on both sides of this issue and knows the drill. SC has counsel, UT has counsel and Bru has counsel. That's a lot of legal review-- and opinions.
Impressive, yet the average high school teacher salary in Spartanburg is $50k. Range $34k-69k.

Not dogging on Dorman at all, just the overall trend of investing in the material rather than investing in the instructors. And then those salaries not really keeping up with inflation or added BS that comes with the job every year. Sucks for teachers.
At least my school looks like I get paid like crap.... Wait
It’s sad honestly!…I remember all the heat he caught and nobody really knew the extent..I’m glad this show aired so that he could clear his name..truly a genuine humble human being.🤟🏽🤙🏽
Watched it last night. Yeah, I had no clue about all of that. I remember just taking as fact the narrative and punch line of him making up a girlfriend. The perpetrator should be in jail...cost him millions of dollars in addition to the untold and unknowable toll it took on his mental wellbeing.
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'Gar-and-tahoe, calls for snap, he takes 5 step drop, here comes Alabama defender. This is the best drive Tennessee has had all day, they are really putting Bama on its heels.'

'Gar-and-tahoe with a nice move on rollout, makes two defenders miss!!! He looks, he pumps!! NO, he throws a rocket to open player. Hits Receiver in stride, to the 40-30- 20-10- To the Cheggarburds!! What a turn of events!!'

'He led that receiver and made Bama look really bad.' 'What a play from left hash.'

'Final score: Bama 56 Tennessee 7.'
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