Recruiting Forum Football Talk V

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UT is going to have to push the NCAA on Bru and let them liaise with SC. Not actively opposing a transfer isn't the same as legal involvement to protect the university. Bru has been in a legal battle with SC for a year. He just filed to dismiss a month ago-- without prejudice. Timing was always going to be a factor, and SC is going to mitigate risk. UT has been on both sides of this issue and knows the drill. SC has counsel, UT has counsel and Bru has counsel. That's a lot of legal review-- and opinions.
I wonder if SC isn't signing because they fear it will implicate them in the lawsuit. The signature to release the student-athlete making a second transfer - indicating they confirm the student-athlete was in a dangerous/poor/toxic environment and should be allowed immediate eligibility - could cause them to lose the lawsuit.

So I wonder if there's also the negotiations for Bru to drop the lawsuit in exchange for the signed paperwork.
The school budget does not pay for ultra nice athletic facilities. That kind of athletic money comes from boosters for the specific purpose of athletics. The school can't just take that money and give it to teachers. You can fault the boosters for bad priorities, but not the school.
Would be nice, I suppose, if there were more "recruiting" and badgering of boosters to invest in academics as much or more than athletics. Giving money to a school system for teacher salaries for example I guess
I wonder if SC isn't signing because they fear it will implicate them in the lawsuit. The signature to release the student-athlete making a second transfer - indicating they confirm the student-athlete was in a dangerous/poor/toxic environment and should be allowed immediate eligibility - could cause them to lose the lawsuit.

So I wonder if there's also the negotiations for Bru to drop the lawsuit in exchange for the signed paperwork.
Ding, ding, ding
TN is going to surprise folks this year. It’s happening. We re better than everyone we play except Bama and Ga, and we might be better than ga.

People need to look at GA’s depth chart. It is not impressive. Replacing two dudes on the OL with poor coaching. One of their projected starters is Mims who was in the portal. Ratlege is another starter. That’s not scary.

Their DL other than Carter is pedestrian. Are you guys worried about Zion Logue, Bill Norton, or Tyrion Ingrams Dawkins? I’m not. Their LB group have stars from recruiting, but they haven’t done a thing. How good is Smael Mondon? Up till now he hasn’t done anything in college. He’s their starter. They’re good at edge.

Their DB’s are very unproven.

Their starting receivers are two 3 stars that aren’t very good. Certainly not on our level. Their QB is the freaking walk on meaty okra Bennett. RB’s have stars, but no stats.

People aren’t ready for the step back that defense is about to take. And without that defense, Bennett ain’t taking them anywhere I don’t care if he does have Bowers

This might be our best chance for a while. Fl is down, LSU is down, Ga is in a rebuilding year
I'm late responding but I agree whole heartedly. It's the reason Roman Harper is giving us a legit shot to make Atlanta this year. He's leaning towards us upsetting UGA.
Haha what a dumb video. Acting like one fan base is overly obnoxious and disrespectful and others aren’t is just one of the dumbest ***** I have heard from another fanbase. Every fanbase has comments and “fans” just like this.

It’s like the equivalent of saying “They are paying players! We don’t pay players they commit to us because they love the school!” I get loving your school and team.. but don’t be naive.
Fan is short for fanatic. Every school has good and bad fans. Some people don't have a conscience.
Thank God I-81 got finished

Though I did miss a heard of cows on 81 going 80 mph by, literally (and I literally mean "literally"), 12 inches in 2020.
Ditto re: Thank God I-81 to finished. I'm from east Tennessee - Bloody 11W was the only way to get to Knoxville from Kingsport, etc until they finished our stretch around 1074, I think.
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Our beautiful girl Molly lost her battle with old age today. I tear up when I see her chasing a frisbee somewhere in doggy heaven now.

Sorry for your loss. Shared my similar loss 2 wks ago. It is wonderful to be blessed by these loving animals, and hard to lose them but when you logic out the alternatives it is easy to be thankful for the net of the whole experience.
Ditto re: Thank God I-81 to finished. I'm from east Tennessee - Bloody 11W was the only way to get to Knoxville from Kingsport, etc until they finished our stretch around 1074, I think.
Must've been finished by William the Conqueror in his goal of ruling multiple lands at once.

Side note: William the Conqueror's story bears striking resemblance to some Game of Thrones storylines. Being a bastard son and young when taking power, having fight off several who claimed throne and saw him as illegitimate. Etc.
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